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Is My Weed Laced?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BKJake420, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Hey everyone, Just had a quick question about my mj. First off I'm quite high so ill try and make this as clean and straight forward as possible.

    So basically, this weed hits hard as fuck out of nowhere. The peak of the high sets in almost immediately after exhale. It felt like the peak lasted only about 20-30 minutes. After that the peak seems to just drop off as quick as it started. After that im still high, but obviously not as high as before. Ill smoke a bowl of some of the most crystal covered quality bud that I have and it doesnt get me near as high as this mango kush does. It doesn't look that dank at all, and I bought it for $15/g, which if it was laced someone somewhere would be losing profit I would think. I asked the guy I got it from today if it was laced and he said "naw man its just medical. Straight from cali. It even has a medical smell." Which I feel is what most small dealers say just to upsale. Medical smell..?

    The nugs are all almost brown with a hint of green. They are VERY sticky, and does have crystals but not much no trichomes, or at least no distinct noticible ones.

    I live in Houston, Texas, and I get pretty dank bud on a regular basis, especially after colorado legalized.

    Is my ganja laced? Or am I just being paranoid? Orrrrr do I have bud that is capable of a medical smell? Lol

    Im now really high.

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