Is my Roo legit? Thread.

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by stonegood, May 28, 2009.

  1. I saw a couple threads earlier of people asking if their roor was legit or not. If you buy a roor and are wondering if it is legit or not post it here.

    I'll start it off with my recent purchase. 35 cm, 3.2mm, orange label.

  2. sig looks kind of funky and in a weird spot but idk much about roors
  3. if it hits good and doesn't break don't worry about the name
  4. LOL @ the 2 posters before me.
  5. Looks pretty real to me
  6. For a bong I don't find much wrong with the sig from what I've seen before. yeah I honestly don't know a whole lot about roor, it's just being from a place where I could never find one for sale and finally having the opportunity to buy one, I had to make the purchase (honestly, I didn't even know each one had a sig from the glassblower until I saw it online). I just saw threads by people wondering if theirs was legit or not and it made me wonder.

    rustyshack- I expected to get a real roor bong when I shelled out cash for it. I paid for the name and the quality that comes with it. I'd be pissed if I bought a fake roor. But, I should of known more about them before I bought one.
  7. I understand completely, I'm about to buy a no name ish bong but I'm going to shell out about the same price on a roor bowl or downstem. But if you can't tell the difference in quality from yours (even if it is fake) and a real one, I'd say be glad you have what you have.

    Also a few people in the other thread believed a similar looking one was legit. Where did you buy yours. (btw sick tube either way)
  8. #8 stonegood, May 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2009
    Yeah, I understand what you're saying completely. It is just that I paid a lot for something I expect to be what I paid for. I felt pride in finally having a roor after hearing so much about them, it could look like a roor but knowing it was a fake would suck. And still, I doubt a knockoff roor would be close to the quality of a real one.

    It's kind of scary that they can replicate the look of a roor so well but I'm willing to bet the glass isn't the same quality. i bought it at The Hideaway in Minneapolis.
  9. Is that headshop legit? All the headshops in my area I could easily see making fake roors just because for a lot people it is the only name they know in bongs.

  10. the hideaway is a amazing headshop. it is huge and has a great selection, so many awesome bongs and pieces, come to think of it, I doubt they would sell fake roors.
  11. If you can trust the shop I'd say it's probably legit. The headshop by me only sells china glass bubblers and spoons and I wouldn't trust a nag champa label on some incense.
  12. definitely a real roor. i'll try to give some pointers to knowing if your roor is real or not, anybody else add anything i missed.

    1- has a select number of shops that carry their products. these are "authorized roor dealers" and any headshop that is one is required to carry all the roor accessories. the guys will have a sign, probably multiple ones, up if they are an authorized dealer. this is the best way of knowing you're going to get a real roor, but i've seen shops that are authorized dealers selling fakes, so still examine the peice you are about to buy.

    2- the (r) will always be facing the bottom of the tube on a legit roor.

    3- always three and only three ice pinches

    4- the roor logo will not go below ice pinches

    5- the roor diffy's have holes not slits

    6- joint angle is always very close to the bottom of the tube..if the joint is at a funky angle it's likely it's not real

    7- you cannot get a german roor anywhere in the united states except for laughing buddah in FL. if a shop is trying to sell you a german roor it's a fake
  13. The Hideaway in Minneapolis?

  14. That is extremely helpful information. But it does kind of concern me cause my roor diffuser has 8 thin slits, 4 on opposite sides.

  15. Yeah in dinkytown
  16. does it say roor on the diffy? that tube looks 100% real to me..that'd be very strange if it came with a slitted roor diffy if that's the case..perhaps someone can enlighten me but i've never seen a slitted roor diffy

  17. Here is some pics of the diffuser and the bowl. Sorry these are crappy quality from my phone, I can get some better pictures up tomorrow when I grab the camera.

  18. that's a fake roor downstem...
  19. looks just like my friends but the ROOR on his is black.
  20. thats a fake ROOR downstem

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