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Is my pot laced?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Berlette, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. Maybe it's just because I'm high right now, or maybe not. I just noticed some odd things about my recent pickup, stuff that pretty much never happened with other pot I had. Anyways, I'm getting physical hallucinations (somewhat expected), but also mental ones too. I started a conversation with my bowl of cereal. I keep getting flashbacks of sorts, basically just a bunch of flashing images. Plus I can't stop giggling. Anyways a lot of that's never happened to me before when I was on weed only. Then again, maybe I'm just high.
  2. nah man, you're good. from what i hear, you'd know based on a chemical-y taste if it was laced. plus, i mean, who laces weed? that's just giving away free product!

    anyway, i think you just got yourself some dank. i had my first REAL amazing dank experience the other day (triple x superstrain out of a 3' roor) and not even one bowl got me BLITZED. it's a whole other ball game ;) or bong game.

    but yeah, otherwise you just got super baked. ive talked to cats before on medical weed, so...
  3. A conversation with your cereal? That's pretty trippy... I want some of what you're smoking! Haha seriously though, usually when shit is laced you can definitely tell. Either the weed would look and taste noticeably different or you would be able to say "Whoa this is definitely not the same feeling I get when I normally get high." Supposedly weed can cause mild hallucinations, although I've never experienced it before. Maybe you just got a strain you aren't used to and it got you high as fuck.
  4. A lot of you would probably be able to tell symptoms of say, Cocaine. But I can't, because I've never touched most of the other drugs out there. Anyways, this was a medical pickup (first of many to come) and I guess it's just really strong. Like, right now I feel like my skin is merging with the road outside.
  5. I had a conversation with a tree. Completely blazed, we had like 40ish grams and were smoking all day, and I was chewing tobacco for the first time. I had such a strong nicotine buzz, I was sort of telepathically communicating with the tree and it was telling me how Nicotine is the dark part of nature or something like that. Then I threw up because of the goddamn dip.

    I mean I wasn't seriously talking to it, I knew it was just in my head, but it was still pretty damn trippy because it felt like I couldn't control what the tree was saying.
  6. Hahaha, thats some funny shit right there
  7. I've never had laced weed in the many years I've smoked. I've heard of people sprinkling a little coke on their bowls, but never to sell.

    Myself, I like herb solo. :bongin:

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