Is my plant dying ?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by baretero66, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Is there anything I should do to try to fix it? Harvest is not due till march 31st.


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  2. I have the same harvest date almost, March 28th, and yes you are probably giving to much nutrients cut it in half next time you water, and I have been adding White Corn Syrup for the buds and has increased their size in 5 days by .45 inches in Width.

    I give it about 2 tablespoons per gallon of water, helps the roots take more nutrients in, sometimes if using chemicals (non organic fertilizers) that the salt build up on your roots block some important nutrients from entering, so 1/2 dose of fert and 2 tbsp of White Corn Syrup is what the doctor calls for, and try to skip a feeding 1 time before you flush.
  3. Will Try that solution. Thanks a lot man.

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