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Is my friend using me for weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Emily143, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. :passing-joint:Also, the stingy fuck who I live with will buy an entire eighth worth of weed and smoke it all up entirely by themselves. They will not offer to pack a bowl nor smoke anyone else up with their own supply. Yet when they are completely out of weed they will expect whoever has weed to immediately smoke them up, if not they will sit there with a grouchy fucking look on their face until they either A. go upstairs or B. Someone smokes them up. I and my girl got enough smoke to roll 4 decently sized joints. We have smoked 3 out of the 4 joints not counting the roach, the little bit of bud plus an entire full joint. My girl and I will sit upstairs on our side of the room and light up all night watching Netflix, Youtube, while doing so we also blow our smoke to the other side of the room just to piss them off, because they are out, I know for a fact they are over their talking shit saying how it's "bullshit" that I am not smoking them up, that if they had some that they would have smoked us up. My point is this: If you smoke me up I will return the favor, but if you DO NOT smoke me up, start acting like a greedy little fuck, well I will simply cut you off permanently.
  2. sounds like you live with a load of selfish Moochers ,,,try and find a new place to share with some real people not moochers ...bloody moochers the bane of the cannabis scene ......ive had a moocher who know i grew weed ,,he'd come to the house and stand there sniffing the air t see if he could smell weed ,,,so now i put the smelly cat tray by the door and he can smell that instead ..,,,mac..
  3. I have already made up my mind. From this point on I am not going to be smoking them up ever again until they can learn to share with others when they get their own stash. Weed is too expensive to be giving it out for free let alone smoking up stingy mother fuckers who want nothing to do with you but smoke up all your herb. Fuck that shit.

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  4. I was using my brother for weed (This is before I started buying my own)

    Basically I'd go over to hang out with him, we're like besties though recently we grew apart. And we would share spliffs. Eventually he told me if I want to smoke, I need to start buying my own weed. Which is fair. But now I barely hang out with him. IDK why. I thought I liked hanging out with him and the weed was just a bonus. I miss those days when I could text him saying "wanna smoke a blunt".
  5. Weed can get expensive when you are smoking someone else up all the time. If I was him I wouldn't have used those words to say that. I would have been like "I'll continue to smoke you up, but you are going to have to start chipping something in". People now days get to damn possessive over weed, I can understand if you do not get a lot when you re-up but don't be rude about it.

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