Is my friend gay?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by HittingBud, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. It's okay. I know guys who fuck jail.
  2. #42 BarbieBetch, Dec 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2012
    Here is my opinion on the matter ( I so happen to be a very feminine gay guy myself):
    In a gay guys life, wether you are out or not you will always have 'straight' guy friends, and it usually is inevitable that you sometimes get feelings for straight guys that you KNOW you will never be with but it's just something thats inevitable, same thing about getting feelings for a girl. Basically everything you have described about the touching and everything SOUNDS like he may have feelings for you and likes to accidentally touch you to see your reaction and hoping it is positive, but if you just keep paying no mind to it or GENTLY say something like 'dude thats not cool' when ever he touches you, don't flat out embarras him or anything but still let him know that you are straight and it's NOT going to change. Also with the texting thing just further proves my hypothesis correct, think of it this way, when you are texting a girl you like don't you try to have really good conversations and keep the conversations going as long as possible? Or the case may be hes doesn't like you, but he definitly is gay, and as for the over generosity I think it's mainly because he is scared that when you guys DO find out he is gay that you guys will just abandon him so i feel like he is trying to build up the strongest relationship between you guys so that can help cushion the blow when he spills the beans. Have you ever caught him checking out girls that walk by? Does this 'accidental' touching happen to JUST you or your other friends as well? This info will help me better evaluate the situation! I hope this helped :)
  3. bend over in front of him and find out..
  4. That plan sounds like it could easily backfire :laughing:
  5. tell him youre not interested and youd appreciate it if hed stop trying to flirt with you. cause its never going to happen.

    there is nothing wrong or implicates a man before being gay because he is into fashion or shopping. go to a thrift store while baked, its like fucking treasure hunting
  6. sum people are just naturally touchy and shit.

    but all of that combined does make him seem gay tbh.

    I do have a friend like that though although he bangs girls left right and centre. if he didn't do that I would be convinced beyond doubt that he was gay... honestly he would comment on stuff like hair or her fashion sense. he dresses like a gay and just overall acts feminine.

    should just come out and straight up ask because he might not be gay lol
  7. Bro, he's gay, period. But there's nothing wrong with it I get where ur coming from freedom of choice and shit. But like pull him to the side or something be like, nothing personal but i dnt really feel comfortable when u get all touchy with me. Keep it real with him man after all he is part of ur group. I have a small group it's 3 of us, then the bitches come and go. And we're always real with each other. One time my boy dressed too nice, tht kinda mad him look like a fag so he went back inside and changed, saves him some embarrassment. So yea man and if he is gay consider him as one of ur ugly female friends, the one everybody knows, the cool 1 tht pays for everything and it's just a cool bitch but in this case "she" is a dude.
  8. you can't know for a fact that he's "gay, period" lmao

    look at my comment above my friend honestly looks like the biggest flaming piece of fruitcake fag you've ever seen but he is totally straight.

    nothing against gays btw just realised how that fruitcake part might sound
  9. Sounds gay to me
  10. #50 iAmBetty, Dec 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2012
    The fruitcake part... I totally see how you have nothing against gay people.
  11. I had a friend that I knew for a fact was gay. Even saw him on a gay website. Once saw his Skype open and a guy called him and his picture was him bending over holding his butthole open (real shit) but I let him come out to me when he was comfortable. It's his choice on whether he wants people to know.
  12. Lololol fuckin stereotypes.

    I've had and have plenty a gay/bi friend in my day, and I've been hit on by them. I just let them know that I'm not interested and our friendship continues. Its the same exact thing if your a guy and attracted to a girl and she's not interested, its not like every gay guy is a rapist waiting to enter your butthole...

    People would maybe think I was gay if I didn't have a girlfriend, I try to dress with some degree of niceness and I'm very in touch with my emotions and all, stereotypes just ain't work!

    I've had to tell girls and guys that I'm not into them/having sexual relations with them, its really not that big of a deal.

    Homophobes these days :wave:
  13. He's not a homophobe. Maybe he's stereotyping gays but that doesn't make you a homophobe.

  14. haha naw it's all jokes bro. I was merely trying to exaggerate how homosexual my friend appears, yet is not.

    gay pride fuckers! lol

  15. thanks :) I'm not a homophobe. I do have a gay friend also.
    and actually stopped a guy from getting attacked because he was gay in my work last year.
  16. #56 iAmBetty, Dec 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2012
    I don't care as much about the fruitcake or flaming part but just realize that joking or not saying fag is going to offend some people and kinda makes you come off as homophobic. I'm not mad though its w/e
  17. My English teacher told me that people who use saying like "I'll make a log story short, or cut to the chase" then do the complete opposite are usually not bright. That's about all I learnt from hamlet but just a heads up.

    Sorry I'm a dick.
  18. ya hes definitely gay. the touchy thing could just be because hes fucked up, and he could just like expensive clothes and happen to be super into equal rights, but everything you said together just seems like too much of a coincidence you know? anyways just ask him if he likes bitches, idk haha i feel like thats an indirect non offensive way of asking but maybe im just high
  19. You're somewhat gay for recognizing this much stuff about him... Ijs
  20. #60 MedicalManOR, Dec 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2012
    He's obviously not straight, and who gives a flying rats ass if he IS gay? If he wanted your nuts, he would be a lot more forward than that. He sounds like a really nice kid though, I'd befriend him in a heartbeat

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