iev ben smokin for abot 2 years now n i wantid to growed my own so i now i have plant 17 day and 4 day old how do they look 2 cfl (100) 6 inches from plants any tips will be HIGHly apprecitaed day 17 (transplanted last nite day 16) day 4 (new plant)
There be a lot of stretching going on there. When you say 100 watts, you talking real wattage or what the box says is the equivalent?
or what the box says is the equivalent.. yess and forgot to mention first 14 days were grown with a house lightbulb and miracle grow.. first time then abt 2 days with a shitty 0 lumen "plant light" then now 2 23 watt cfls.. only under cfl for abt 15 hrs at time of picture..
Ignore the equivalent, it's useless when it comes to growing. You probably need at least one more light for one plant. I think with CFL's you want 100 watts for the first plant, 30-50 watts per additional plant. Actual watts, not equivalent. Lowering the light by increments as the plants grow is a good thing, too. You only want them a couple of inches above the plants, as soon as possible. Here's a pretty good guide for CFLs.
My educated guess would be maganese deficiency, but here's a link to diagnose yourself. Many deficiencies/overdoses look the same so really read and look at your plant otherwise you'll give it something you don't need and than another problem.