is it too late to put it outside???

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by vertigo, May 27, 2009.

  1. hey,
    i started a plant indoors and its about a 1&1/2 weeks into flowering. my set up is sub-par and the last plant i harvested from my grow room lacked density and size and everything else you want for your buds.... i know what i need for a good indoor set up but i cant afford it. my question is, can i put the week and a half flowered plant outside to grow even though its early spring and i've had the plant on 12/12 indoors? i was thinking maybe the change in light cycle would mess it up somehow. or the fact that its already budding but if it was grown outside it wouldnt look this way for a few months
    know what i mean? plz help
  2. Yeah you can put it outside but you will have to control the light cycle or wait until the summer solstice. Put a black opaque garbage bag on the plant after it has received 12 hours of light. Just make sure there are no light leaks.

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