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Is it to late to re veg my girls?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Ilove562, May 3, 2016.

  1. I've had these plants for about a month. They were given to me by a friend that had to evacuate them out of his indoor grow so I had to put them in some pots and let them grow out doors.
    After a few weeks I had to evacuate them to a spot where I can grow them away from home but I could still keep an eye on them.
    After leaving them for about a week without checking on them and hoping that my uncle watered the plants correctly. I find out that my plants are nugging early!

    This is my first grow and I just wanna know if anyone has gone through similar situations. And what was the out come.

    Thanks grass city!

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  2. they are probably autos and are just doing what they are suppose to do autos won't reveg period.
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  3. Hi as waterhead said ... if an auto its doin its thing so leave it... but if not auto then ya uncle watering it or not as made no difference to it going into flower love. Its the light cycle that does that on a non auto. Find out if foto or auto then go from there love. Good luck and happy growin xxx
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  4. One is a girl scout cookie. And the other is a bubba kush. They are both non auto flower.

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  5. Hi love. Well ive revegged a plant before but not as far gone as yrs but mine turned out ok wat i can remember as yrs ago. Im in a bit of same situation as had to move my plants from a room and in normal room wi a bit of sun light but not direct. They too lookin like going into first stage og flower so wen get another room/ tent tomo hopefully.... i will be vegging em out for defo. They only 5/6 week from planting seed so not stronge enough or not trained enough to flower so im taking my chances and revegging. Im planning to reveg for approx 4week plus so gives em chance to adapt etc and grow strong. U av nought to lose babe. No piont flowering em too early anyway.. just revegg though for a gud 4/5weeks at least. Let me no how ya go but it will be ok xxx
  6. Also good luck and happy growing love x
  7. Ps i cant see full pic so if bigg enough and strong then let em flower love. Mine look little compared to wat i can now see of yrs . Judge the strength of ya plant and if stronge and healthy flower love. If tiny then veg. Good luck xxx
  8. They're pretty big and healthy this is them about a month ago they haven't got much taller

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