Is it possible to never die?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by mralan, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. No
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  2. Only our lord and saviour, The Dude, lives forever

  3. Nah man. Roll another blunt and get over it.
  4. Well to answer the OP is not possible to never die. Your physical body is technology for your spirit and while it is at nearly full capacity while you are a baby it is very novel and the ways to work your body are unknown to you and you simply learn how to control it and utilize it through observation, as you become more and more familiar with this 'technology'.

    Eventually however these things start to break down from the wear and tear of life or the through some accident in which the body is irrevocably damaged (paralysis). After some time this technology will be unable to bear your true being, your soul and, once that happens this 'life' ends. Now I'm not one to ascribe to the idea that we have complete sovereignty over our being (the soul), since we are born against our will and we die against our will therefore there is an order to our existence that we are not aware of while dwelling in the physical body.

    So is it possible to never die? Physically, no but all the memories and such that we accumulate during our human experience will be kept with our soul in the hereafter.
  5. Only if consciousness precedes the brain.
  6. It does however that doesn't negate physical death from occurring.
  7. I reckon if you could do it like that robin Williams robot movie. With artificial organs. But then you'd have the brain to mess with
  8. I'm trying to imagine how the concept that the OP posted would not be constrained by time. Every time you had a heart attack at 90, 91, 92 years old, you just keep on keeping on?

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