is it ok to reflower my mary?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by funkygreen, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. I was wondering why everyone seems to be chopping down all these beautifull plants instead of just reflowering them. i talked with a person who said they have more than 10 years of growing experience and he said that it is ok and that he did it but i have looked and have not been able to find any other people that say or show the same in their vids or posts. Is there a reason why so many people only bud their plants once? all replys help

  2. I'm DEFINITELY no expert so, I don't have a TON of info. From what I've been able to gather it's due to needing to leave some buds on the plant in order to reveg it. There is also the issue of space. Revegging and flowering means your plant is going to get taller.
    I haven't searched it, but you may find more info on this in the "General Outdoor Growing" section.
    Good Luck! :smoke:
  3. #3 mills69, Oct 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2009
    there are a few reasons i think its not done so much, when you re-veg it increases the chances of the plant going hermie(also read about it effecting potency but i think thats debatible so not sure), when they do start to grow back it the growth can be 'odd' & irregular like weird leafs etc plus the whole plant tends to be weird looking(not a problem really) plus i think MJ is a season plant so it would die of in nature after 1 cycle/harvest

    thats not to say this always happerens it can be ok, there is plenty of people out there that re-veg there plant

    ps forgot to mention that sometimes the plant can stay 'dorment' for a few weeks untill it sorts its self out so some might not want to wait for it just to start growing again when in that time they could have another plant well on its way

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