Is Grasscity really a "counter-culture" community?

Discussion in 'General' started by Buzzard, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. Counterculture -the culture and lifestyle of those people, especially among the young, who reject or oppose the dominant values and behavior of society.

    Marijuana, while an element, is not the primary aspect of counterculture. The spirit and encapsulation of what is counterculture is defying rules and norms of what is considered "normal". Grasscity has so many prohibitive rules and rule nazi's that I feel it can't qualify for this label anymore. We can't discuss the free sharing of music, other drugs, the actions of mods and administrators, and anything else up to the discretion of said mods.

    It's not a bad forum but it's not counterculture. I think the tagline should be rewritten is all.

    Just a thought.
  2. So you want GC to be liable for legal action which would put SJ in the poor house.

    Think about these things man.

  3. How would grasscity be liable if some random guy makes an account gives dumb advice to someone which in turn kills them?

    I don't believe they would be liable, in any court...
  4. no...he is just saying he doesn't think the tagline fits.
  5. Youd be surprised who they hold accountable
    Ah, so buzzard thinks we need to have no rules then? Be completely anarchist since we are "counter-culture"?
  6. Where is grasscity acknowledged or known as a counter culture
  7. Top of the page;)

  8. actually, the tag-line does fit. Last i checked, marijuana was illegal. This website is devoted to the use and enjoyment of marijuana for the masses. Whether you want to spew a bunch of shit on the forums, or buy a bong. This website runs parallel with a counter-culture we all belong too as soon as that THC enters our body. Don't get butt hurt because they still have rules.

    to shorten this, don't mix up counter-culture with anarchy.

  9. when you hear people say man today sucks, do you run away, fear they start opening fire on everyone?

  10. last time i checked the growth, use, and possession of marijuana is against the law. everyone on this forum speaks freely about breaking the law in this regard and about progressively moving toward legalization in the future. just because it doesn't encompass all aspects of current counterculture, does not mean it is not counterculture.
  11. Wow. Thats out in left field

    As addlib said: "don't mix up counter-culture with anarchy."

  12. ......what?
  13. someone decided to wake and bake lol :smoke::smoke::smoke:

  14. I highly doubt that for some reason. Exhibit A: 4chan. Exhibit B: Erowid. Exhibit C: Where has a forum admin/owner ever been held liable for what happens on the forum?

    I'd say that we need far less rules and far less rule anxiety. This is an internet forum based on an illegal substance, not a closed military base. We don't need to be afraid nor should we have to censor ourselves.

    We enter a counterculture action but this forum hardly holds counterculture spirit. I don't believe I was ever "butt hurt" by anything. I simply had a thought that the tagline was incorrect. Counterculture is not anarchy but it isn't censorship either.
  15. That was one time...It was a terrible week for me...

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