Is FRANK a liar?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by geck0n0x, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. "Talk to Frank" is the British governments national anti drug campain, and it looks like a load of bollocks to me..

    This is a link to their page about Cannabis, I was just wondering how much of it is true, because from what I've read here in the city, from experienced users it is all propaganda.. And if this is the case should they be allowed to get away with it?

    Please share you opinions and views :rolleyes:
  2. That site is complete bullshit, I love reading those things. It said Resin aka Hash costs 50 euros an ounce. I wish it was that cheap, maybe my prices would go down. It also said it had physical withdrawals when you stopped using it which is bullshit. Pretty much the only thing they got right was that it is illegal, but it shouldnt be.

    Lol they dont have drinking and driving, but they mention how drink driving is bad hahaha.
  3. Bullshit on the statement about having Physical and psychological withdraws. If I don't smoke (ran out a few days ago) I'm fine. The only problem I have is some trouble sleeping, but that has been a problem for me since I was just a lad. I stopped smoking for a month recently and I started smoking because I felt like it and I was bored. It had nothing to do with withdraws as the THC should've been out of my system by then.
  4. technically it can have physcho withdrawals because it depends on your personality. I havent smoked in 3-4 days, but its because i dont have any. Some people though with addictive personalities feel they need to smoke. it all depends.
  5. plus if your told you are gonna get addicted you will. just like the munchies. if your told you are supposed to get hungry the first time you smoke you will get hungry every single time
  6. "The regular use of cannabis is known to be associated with an increase in the risk of later developing psychotic illnesses including schizophrenia."


    "... you may experience psychological and physical withdrawals when you do stop."

    It is pretty well known that marijuana is not physically addicting, a simple google search can confirm that

    "..can cause lung disease and possibly cancer with long-term or heavy use"

    Nope Proof: NO CONNECTION between Marijuana use and Lung Disease or Cancer | NORML Daily Audio Stash

    All in all, I've seen worse, just take a look at the DEA's cannabis page, of course this guy made his position clear by bringing out every negative count on marijuana i can think of, and adding in a few false ones

    But honestly this page didn't make me nearly as angry as much of the 'above the influence' and DEA propaganda and stuff you can see
  7. I agree. Though just about every single one of the "risks" had the words "can" or "may" in them. Meaning, they don't actually have any proof that anything bad will happen to you. They CAN or MAY :rolleyes: Hell, a piano CAN land on your head when you're high, and you MAY get run over by a car when you're high, why not just throw those in too? It bugs me how they offer no actual proof or reference to any legitimate sources. As far as that goes, even Wikipedia is a more honest source; at least that site cites the references, or notes that a citation is needed
  8. i would say im psychologically addicted to hooch cause i smoke like all day every day, but if i cant get on or have to go a while without it it doesnt matter, theres no physical ailments or cravings, id just rather be baked than not. being physchologically addicted doesnt mean u cant stop.
  9. The UK government hates you, remember that.
  10. BAHAHA, say what you want about the DEA but at least they have never claimed cannabis to be blow.
  11. That's true, but at least this frank guy never used lame claims like it will "make you a loser and you will never succeed in life" and etc..

    DEA's marijuana page: Stumble Weed

    That stupid above the influence 'stoners in the mist' bullshit: Stoners in the Mist | Fun |

    Personally i think that frank's page is at least a bit more respectable, even though i don't believe his cause is..

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