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Is exhaling vapor through your nose bad?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Maxm, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. The title is the question basically, I use a vaporbong so while milking it I just blow out through my nose to keep it hitting conveniently. I heard blowing smoke out your nose kills all the membranes that kill bacteria in your nose meaning you can get infections easily and can be prone to nose bleeds more often as well.
  2. True smoking fucks up your nose. Breathing through your nose is fine though you won't notice any problems maybe snoring or heavy breathing.
  3. Vapor probably isn't bad, hold it in ur lungs for a long time to get rid of the shit that hurts ur nose.
  4. Nothing like a good ol' smoke through your nose to make your mucus composition to become thinner and have a non stop runny nose throughout your sesh...

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