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Is coca cola worse for your health than cannabis?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hashbrowns742, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Think about it...Coca cola contains caffeine - addictive, and you can overdose on it. I'm not sure if it has medical qualities...
    You cannot overdose on cannabis, it has MANY MANY medical qualities, and opens your mind, has little or no harm when smoked, and I can't think of any harm when you consume edibles.
    Opinions? :smoke:
  2. Coke is unhealthy, duh.
  3. Caffeine is not very addictive, it's overhyped when being compared to cannabis.

    Also you can overdose on water. Cannabis isn't bad for you but making another drug seem dangerous is stupid.
  4. Coca Cola has sugar in it which can lead to obesity, which leads to high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

    I think that sounds alot worse than what cannabis can do.
  5. Coca cola is unhealthy, weed isnt. I wont stop drinking it though. I prefer Dr Pepper anyway :D
  6. shit im addicted like a mofo, if i dont have my coffee in the morning ill start to get massive headaches and will go into a haze type of un-energetic state of mind.

    and i will kill anyone in my sight :mad:

    holy shit i just had the greatest idea maybe ill use cannabis to help me through my "caffeine withdrawal" :smoke: holy shit yess!! :D
  7. Actually all the phosphates and other crap in soda are worse than the sugar and caffeine. One of the worst things you can put in your body.

    Caffeine is, however, far more addictive than cannabis. It's not that bad for you though as long as it's under control and you sleep enough.
  8. Very good idea, and yes, caffeine addiction can be very physically taxing. And AFAIK there are still deaths associated with caffeine use, but I'd have to agree with another poster. It'll probably be a heart disease related issue that you will be facing first if you consume Coca Cola that often.
  9. High fructose corn syrup is very bad for your health.

    Far worse than cannabis.

    Caffine is the most abused drug in america.

    Yes. Coke is worse for your health than weed.

    And if you dont believe me, go find a diabetic, ask them which would put them in worse shape.

    A can of coke, or a joint.

    No one will be surprised by their answer.
  10. I'm pretty sure there's some 60yr old diabetic who's vehemently against weed SOMEWHERE. :p
  11. With 6 billion people on this earth, I wouldn't be surprised.
  12. I'm talking more about the brainwashing propoganda that's going on.
  13. #13 kliff2004, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    You completely missed the point of my post. your response means nothing because your arguing something im not talking about. sorry

    And now I have no idea what your talking about. what brainwashing? that weed is worse than coke, or that coke is worse than weed?
  14. It used to be worse. The original Coca-Cola recipe included cocaine. Where did you think the 'coca' part came from?
  15. There are more health reasons for soda to be outlawed than cannabis.

  16. It's a shame it still doesn't. It sure as hell would probably be more healthy than all the crap in soda these days.
  17. The acid in soda also ruins your teeth.
  18. I drink coke, smoke weed, and cigs, I'm really fucked either way. :smoke:
  19. i find it funny that i will be using a illegal substance to be helping my withdrawals from a legal substance

    who would have known :confused_2:

    Let's take a look at some of the other major components of a can of soda:

    Phosphoric Acid
    Tap Water

    Bad!! ^

    Coca Cola - Bad for Health
  20. #20 GutteralShiva, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Fun fact. Formaldehyde derives from aspartame.

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