Kind of a misleading title for the thread but let me explain. Seems like you can't dislike or have a less than nearly fanatic love for certain rappers these days (especially on youtube) without hearing someone say "U (insert insult here), THE REEZIN YOU DUN LIKE IT IS CUZ YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT REAL HIP HOP IS, GO BACK TO YOUR (insert assumption about your musical tastes based on your differing opinion of this one song, perhaps throw in another insult). I find it really annoying, because personally I love hip hop and I'm down to have a civilized debate with anyone on anything about it, but it's impossible with a lot of fans. It's especially bad with strictly underground hip hop fans, Immortal Technique fans, Hopsin fans (dear Lord Hopsin fans), Earl fans... I'm just tired of "real hip hop" being interchangable with "underground hip hop". 2Pac was signed to a label and I see a lot of those same fans on his videos going "REAL HIP HOP" after telling me to go listen to my gay industry music (for the record my favorite artists are independent sans Eminem, I just like to hear other stuff sometimes). So do you use the phrase "real hip hop", and if so can you point me to fake hip hop and give me pointers on checking if the instrumental is indeed false? And is anyone else tired of this shit?
Yeah that's the way it is for all genres, I feel. Well at least with Metal too. But I think that people who argue and get angry about music are kind of music snobs. I have fallen victim to being a music snob with my brothers and diss their music tastes (Drake, Lil Wayne, Big Sean) because im more a fan of the old school shit. But at the end of the day its all music. My only argument with some hip hop is the lyrics. I think the skill level is vastly different between certain rappers. Some you can tell are lyrical geniuses. While others you can tell just use a thesaurus and have bad rhymes. But I feel like if you like a ton of different music, if it sounds good to you, then really you just have to ignore what other people say and blast the shit outta the music you wanna hear and fuck the music snobs
Who defines 'real hip hop' and what are the qualifying factors of real hip hop, personally i dont believe there is such a thing as real or fake hip hop, just good or bad but that all varies upon personal taste.
I don't listen to hip-hop but any music video on Youtube has "that guy." Only people more irritating than that are the ones that use the word "hater" as a kneejerk response to anyone that doesn't like the song. Or people who say "this song is beast yo ur obvs just jealous of their success."
Ah I forgot about the metalhead debates, everyone's always arguing specific genres for it. "This is deathcore NO THIS IS NOISE RAAAAWR" Yeah you can tell the difference in skill levels with some artists, I'd be cool with someone saying "such and such is better than whoever because _________." Even if they just say it's their opinion that's cool. But in most cases you simply get attacked by the responder.
to each, their own. real hip hop is in the ears of the listener...and so on. Personally if they talk about mainstream topics that sell ie: ego, money, btchs, drugs. then they end up all sounding the same. I'd say I like to listen to artist who are more original and stick to their own style instead of sounding like drake or lil wayne.
I'm tired of being forced to listen to shit music. I said it Forced I'd basically have to become a mountain man or hermit to get away from it.
Yep i agree. There's no such thing. I choose not to limit myself to any single sub-genre of hip hop, and I feel sorry for those who do.
I have no problem with diversity in hip hop. The problem is when the most superficial sub-genre dominates the entire genre because of a record industry with questionable motives and a mindless populous. But the same can be said of rock music too.
hip hop is hip hop, no matter if its good or bad. people who say that are usually stuck in the 80s/90s and dont wanna accept the fact that hip hop has evolved.
real hip hop to me is that facet of music that touches and evokes authentically thought provoking emotional responses to the intertwining wordplay melding with the beat. Thats whether it be disgust, enlightenment, anger, pain, happiness, sadness, relaxation or otherwise.
I pretty much agree with most of the replies. I would just like to add that I used to be like these "real hip hop" people back in the day and would only listen to older shit. But honestly that shit is played out and frankly boring. Sometimes I like to listen to people talking about drugs or cars or money or fuckin bitches etc.. That has a place in every genre of music and it gets an enormous amount of flack about it in hip hop for no reason. Like the people that claim hip hop was only about "real shit" back in the day. The first song, rappers delight, had no message.. It was about partying. Hip hop was founded on materialistic and partying type of music. And besides if you're like me, you don't listen to only a certain type of music. So the fuck what?? I listen to Nas AND Waka Flocka... Leave me the fuck alone! And that's how I feel about it.
[quote name='"Messiah Decoy"']I have no problem with diversity in hip hop. The problem is when the most superficial sub-genre dominates the entire genre because of a record industry with questionable motives and a mindless populous. But the same can be said of rock music too.[/quote] they sell what people want to hear. the majority of people like that. now if you were going to blame anybody, you blame it's consumer market.
I don't think the record labels can really be blamed, I guess somewhat for taking creative control, but they wanna make money. If you're a record company you sell records, and right now swag rap is in I guess. (I call materialistic rap "swag rap") I think hip hop just needs a clear list of subgenres cuz there's a lot.
[quote name='"ChaosSquirtle"']I don't think the record labels can really be blamed, I guess somewhat for taking creative control, but they wanna make money. If you're a record company you sell records, and right now swag rap is in I guess. (I call materialistic rap "swag rap") I think hip hop just needs a clear list of subgenres cuz there's a lot.[/quote] this is 100% correct