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Is 40 a gram worth it

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by andrewp420, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. 40 a g? Holy hell, I would never. And weed isn't a hallucinogen, it won't make you hallucinat unless it's laced, in which you don't want it anyways.

    Sent from my SGH-M919N using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  2. The only time it's a good deal to pay 40/g is if its straight up weed found from either an ancient civilization, or outer space.

    Stay Scheming, Stay Frosty
  3. 40 for a gram?? Hahaha I would pay 40 a gram unless it was some Of the dankest concentrate I'd ever had and even that would be pushing it

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. Hell no don't spend 40 on a gram fuck that
  5. In Illinois it's $20 a gram. I'd try and find someone better unless that's a regular price wherever you live. Prices vary depending on where you live

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. I knew a kid who used to pay $30/g and everyone knew he was a "duck". My friend kept telling him the price of pot is going up. He finally realized he was getting shorted after he paid $60 for a .8 and he quit buying from him. Don't be a duck.
  7. Lol 10$ for mids who even has mids anymore

    Sent from my iPad Air
  8. 40 a gram sounds ridiculous 
  9. A gram gives you 3 hits?

    Sent from my iPad Air
  10. this thread...7 pages of the same response "fuck $40 a gram"...we get it end thread
  11. LOL
    I dont care where you live, anything over 20 bucks a gram is RAPE
  12. I can only speak for myself, I'd never pay more than $20/g for bud unless I got a free sample and it was the best looking+smelling+tasting bud I've ever seen. Even $20/g is high for GOOD bud. Don't buy dime bags anyway. Someone who is selling dimes has such a small profit margin they're almost forced to screw people to be able to pickup again.
  13. $40 is what I pay for light bulbs.
  14. $40 a gram sound like.a hellova rip off or something other than mj

    *It made sense in my mind
  15. #135 Guest, Feb 27, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
    I hope it comes with a free gift! Maybe a pipe or something. :smoking:

    ….like on ebay when the item you want is only 99cents and the shipping is double what the item would normally cost.

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