Please turn this into a funny pictures with words thread, and add some politics to it! Thanks eaidhueoahd2901hd )
ahmendinjad knows that a war with the US would quite literally mean death for him and his cronies, so he doesnt want war. he just wants the world to think he wants war. he just wants the world to think he has a nuke. which he doesnt. the longer he keeps the world in fear, the longer he stays in power. no fear, no chance of war, and the iranian people will revolt egypt style. our government and our political pundits want war cus money for the weapons contractors means money for politicians, and war means money for cable news. also, i suspect iran fears isreal, which has just as much irrational hatred for iran as iran has for isreal. its all bullshit. no one in this whole theatre is telling the truth or being sincere about their intentions. fuck them all.