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Iq Decline In Adolescent Marijuana Use: Am I Fucked?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by WhatItDoBabyBoo, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Many studies have shown that marijuana usage in early adolescence causes permanent IQ and cognition declines persisting into adulthood (according to the Duke study, those who had smoked weed before 18 experienced an 8 IQ point decline). However, I have come across multiple studies that stating that those starting in later adolescence (16,17) showed minimal persistent negative effects on the brain structure accountable for intelligence and I have come across studies stating the complete opposite. I started smoking everyday at 16 (perhaps 4-6 grams a week). It is pretty much proven that early onset of marijuana use causes irreparable damage to your intelligence, but exactly how early? And how much marijuana usage would have had to had been smoked to manifest these effects in later adulthood? I am 18 now and am wondering if me smoking marijuana the past 2 years has totally fucked me for the rest of my life. Can someone who has more knowledge on the subject comment? 

  2. I've read some of them. Yeah, smokin probably isn't such a hot idea till the brain eases up on its development - even till mid 20s. And people with any symptoms or history of schizophrenia or several other similar neural disorders shouldcheck out what studies have shown about smoking weed worsening or even triggering those ailment's symptoms. That didn't stop me. But I'm a semi-dumbass most of the time.
  3. I personally don't give a fuck. I lose 8 IQ point, big whoop. Good thing I was born with extra so I can afford to lose a few :)

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  4. yup, youre a tard now.
  5. I don't know if you realize the real life implications of losing 8 IQ points. We're talking over half of a standard deviation. Losing 8 IQ points would result in you being dumber than 25% MORE people assuming  you were of average intelligence. 
    Thankfully, I've done some more reading and see that most studies that indicate long term cognitive dysfunction were in those who started smoking before 16 as most of the sensitive brain processes are over by then. However, I would still like some confirmation on this fact from someone who may be more knowledgeable. 
  6. The answer is no, for scientific reasons that you could bet the farm on.

    Cannabis is proved as a supreme antioxidant and neuro protectant. Read patent 6630507, look carefully at the research done by the NIH which substantiated and earned that patent which is now owned by the united states health and human services dept.

    Cognitive decline and neuro degenerative conditions are often induced by free radical damage, the base of inflammation. Oxidative stress is another term for FR damage and is the root of many diseases.

    The antioxidant profile of cannabis mitigates and or prevents this free radical damage. That is why it is currently the best, natural treatment for neuro degenerative conditions like dementia, Alzheimers etc.

    It also stimulates neuro Genesis. The creation of new brain cells. It does not kill them. That is propaganda tobacco science, when they over smoked and suffocated monkeys. Oxygen deprivation caused brain damage - from suffocation and they blamed it on cannabis.

    Those studies have already been well debunked, the ones you mention. Differences in grey matter were ultimately attributed to sociological and environmental factors not cannabis. They only noted a difference, but could never substantiate it to be specifically from cannabis or that cannabis caused a harmful difference in high vs sober.

    The media was horribly irresponsible in fear mongering over very inconclusive results.

    I don't believe minors should smoke, for other reasons. But as to whether it stunts development or not the jury is out. According to science, it may actually be therapeutic or protective in certain cases.

    Are we concerned that the kids treating their cancer and epilepsy are going to become cognitively impaired due to their sustained potent doses? We'll have to wait and see, although i believe we are going to see antioxidant rich minds, with no harm.

    But I'm still conservative against children recreationally using it. Doesn't feel appropriate to me.
  7. So what's the problem?  Are you having trouble in school?  What is the evidence you're seeing of your mental decline?
  8. why is there reefer madness on gc?? :angry:
    check out erowid cannabis vault.
  9. Great post. Everyone seems to overlook the antioxidant properties in cannabis.

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  10. I don't think it's very noticeable. I started at 16 and I'm not worried about it because there are millions of people that started even earlier than that. If you wanna get technical, yeah I'm sure it's not good for your brain to start before it's fully developed, but it's obviously not that big of a concern to anybody. I'm almost 19 now and I don't feel like it's made me stupider or anything. If anything I feel wiser than I was at 16. But I think most people feel that way :smoke:

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  11. I started daily at 14. I'll let you know whatsup in ten years or so
  12. Let's not forget a lot of studies also said that smoking marijuana would lead to moving on to harder substances, oh...And orgies, that too.
    Has it not occurred to anyone, that maybe...Just possibly...Propaganda? :cool:
  13. I wish it knocked me down 8 IQ points. Then posts like this would be more bearable.
  14. marijuana isn't exactly good for you though. It may be the most harmless drug out there, but it's not water.

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  15. #15 Forked Up2, Aug 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2014
    So that's what's causing all these orgies!
  16. i smoked as a teen, moreso in my later teens, and for several years after that. I'm smart as hell. Still waiting for the stupid to set in. 
    I personally think this is all a scam to get people to blame their own issues on a substance.
  17. #17 -Martyr, Aug 31, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014
    Love when people quote these studies that have disclosed no information on the variables that went into their studies, and that could be inherently skewed if said variables are completely irrelevant. Let's say they tracked this over the span of a year: How many case studies had individuals in it who were genuinely driven to learn? How many of these individuals were atheists, agnostics, or devoutees? Were genetics taken into account? Not all of us are born with braindead parents, and not all of us are born with knowledgeable adults for parents. I know mine aren't. There's this long list of different metadata that needs to be taken into account for some of these studies to be considered anymore than biased shallow propaganda to me. I remember having to endure the delusional rantings of the medicinal community in regards to shrooms, saying that they'll fry and kill your brain, when in reality, some increase certain aspects of the brain's health. Graham Hancock has done a great job advertising this through social media and podcasts for those interested in sourcing for that. Shroomery's also got great articles and editorials.
    The first time I smoked weed, I was 15/16. Gradually picked it up more and more throughout high school and when I hit 20, I started going through like a quarter a week easy, and I try to keep it at that level unless I'm thinking my connect will be drying out soon- then I just buy in bulk. I would consider myself as one with an above average intellect, and that's a determination I make based on the largely understood fact, that most of the general public are sheeple. Sometimes it actually blows my mind that members of the older generation are as dumb and uneducated as they are, but then again the exceptional are always in the minority. I would say utilizing weed as a tool was instrumental in the cultivation of my intellect and the general awareness of my own consciousness at a level that I was once blinded to. Where I am now, is worlds away from where I was. I think it takes certain people to reap the general benefits of something like cannabis. You need people who are smoking the plant for the substance, and not for the novelty. "Novelty smokers" are what I call people who smoke simply because of the mainstream merger of weed with the younger generation. They're not interested in the botanical, medicinal, cultural, or spiritual aspects of the plant... they just roll up and rant about smoking dank. They're idiots. They're the majority of our community, just like idiots are the majority of the world's population.
    If this Duke study was tested on fucking idiots, then I don't see how the results of the experiment could have gone anyway. You've got a bunch of stoners who aren't intellectuals or particularly driven individuals, and you give them a drug that makes them mellow out. I'm sure most of them aren't necessarily going to break a mental sweat over the course of the experiment. It'd be too easy seeing this experiment as "here's some weed (that's indica) smoke this, go about your daily lives and we'll record what we find on this date." And then maybe 4 or 5 individuals go home, smoke, get couchlock and fall asleep in front of a television for a few months, and suddenly there's a few IQ points missing.
  18. lets also not forget the main thing.......IQ tests are pretty damn meaningless
  19. As someone who smoked twice before high school, and then pretty much from December onward freshman year in high school. It will not lower your IQ, then again my IQ could have just been so high it was not really noticeable; and I am sort of an anomaly. I can smoke and do accounting or calc. I even can smoke and be tired as shit and do math at 4 or 5am.
  20. I don't know what your talking about OP but my IQ is always high :smoking:

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