Ioffer Digital Vape

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Thattguyy, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, 
    I was looking on iOffer and saw a digital whip style vape for only 45 bucks. 200 - 500 temp range, 2 GONG whips
    too good to be true? Has anybody seen one of these before

  2. Probably cheap china box vape. Stay away from them.
  3. whats wrong with them, its that for me or no vape
  4. They are not safe for your health to use.
    If you can get up $100 you can get a great vape that is not harmful to use.
    Hell, even for 55 bucks (the VaporGenie), he can get a vape that works well and doesn't have the health concerns of buying a cheap Chinese made knock-off

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