Introducing your partner to MMJ: My Problem Help!

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Dialation, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Alright so here it goes. I'm passionate about cannabis, always have and always will be. I made it a point when looking for the “right” one that she'll be the same or at least very open about it.

    As many of you know, things hardly turn out that way we perceive them to evolve…

    Hence, my marriage of 3 years to someone who has just recently opened up and genuinely wants to try it now. We were fighting everyday and on the brink of divorce because of this ideal.

    This scene is new and understandingly scary to her, because well… she has been a straight arrow all of her life. Never even one drag off a cigarette, let alone consuming medical marijuana. Hell, I even saved up the money to take us to Amsterdam so she could experience it for the first time! What better place, right? Wrong, she was too scared to try it even in the coffeeshops.

    I'm at a cross-roads blades and need your advice on how to cautiously proceed, because as you can probably imagine, this has been a dream of mine for her to experience the world of cannabis for a very long time.

    Too demanding and she will break, not demanding enough and she won't take it seriously (at least as I do).

    Now tonight we made huge progress, finally we had the golden conversation and she asked if I could pick some up and we could make edibles for her to try. She isn't ready to smoke, but she did mention wanting to try a hookah, ok so we're getting somewhere now.

    My questions to fellow blades:

    Should I start out with taking her to a hookah bar and maybe just smoke some flavored tobacco to ease her into learning how to just smoke, or could this backfire and how?

    Should I blow her away with edibles so I know that she gets a good dose or should I hardly dose her or maybe even placebo her (heheh)….?

    I only get chronic sensi and really don't want to use that in edibles, but right now it's my only option and I don't have much time (strike while the iron is hot), yeah? Should I just use it in edibles for this peculiar situation and any seasoned advice on what I should make?
  2. The placebo thing would be cool. One day give her a placebo, the next give her the real thing and see how she reacts, differences, etc.. However given your predicament after the one try she may or may not want to try it again. I would say make something and let her try the real thing. The hookah thing could back fire because it could hurt her lungs/throat (like trying weed does the first couple times of smoking) and she wont gain anything out of it other than atmosphere and the taste.

    Just my opinion, she probably will never be passionate about it. If you don't catch the bug earlier in life I think it is harder to develop a real passion later on in life.

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