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Intravenous Marijuana Syndrome

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by smokemadweed, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. I just read a short wiki on it, you can google it. How the fuck do people make broth if thc isnt water soluble tho?? what do they boil it in?
  2. you can inject thc? does anyone have the recipe? thats stupid. just smoke it.
  3. I agree that its stupid to inject thc..and I read the report which didnt mention alcohol, cuz I just figured who the fuck would inject alcohol
  4. stev-0 did it once on one of his videos. 2 shots of vodka. he got really drunk from it and got turned down at a bar when he tried to order a drink. it was kinda funny, but it was stev-0 so it was really stupid. but if hes dumb enough to do it, im dumb enough to watch it i guess.
  5. This is an intravenous THC preparation:

    The injection solution consisted of 0.1% (w/v) of THC, 1.5% (w/v) Tween® 80, 5.0% (v/v) ethanol absolute, 0.1% (w/v) sodium ascorbate, and sodium chloride solution (0.9%).[16] Sodium ascorbate was added to prevent the oxidation of THC to cannabinol. THC was dissolved in ethanol and Tween® 80, then added to the sodium ascorbate dissolved in 1 mL of the sodium chloride solution. The remaining sodium chloride solution was finally added to the mixture. The clear, yellowish solution was then sonicated for 30 s and filtrated through a 0.22-m filter under aseptic conditions
  6. How many of these goddamned threads do I have to see in one day?
  7. What THC injection? It's not at hard to keep scrolling down... You don't have to see any.

  8. :confused_2: This is the first one I've seen since joining these forums. I see a lot of drug test threads, how to hide from parents threads, and OMG I'm so hai threads though.
  9. dont do it lol
  10. #11 shroomkid, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2012
    I created one and it was deleted. the reason this one was created is because me and OP (turns out op isnt who i thought he was- ganganinja is who I talked to about this) had a chat and he's boss. nobody is saying do this people. it is possible though and if it was the only way you could injest the herb would you not?

    my problem with people's reaction to this is people think its totally ok to talk about smoking as a route of ingestion for weed when you also smoke hard drugs

    but it's not ok to talk about IV as an roi for weed because you shoot hard drugs with needles.

    also for the fifth time saying it on this site which nobody has listened to- I don't want to use iv THC I'm just saying its possible and safe and we should be allowed to talk about it and it probably would provide an awesome high.

    ps the recipe above is correct and I provided it to ganganinja
  11. #12 shroomkid, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2012
    dude wtf are you talking about this is the second one ever lmao

    and people seem to react to this topic so close mindedly "why would you do that? needles are for junkies"

    I thought cannabis smokers were supposed to be open minded and able to talk about various topics taboo or not. Unbelievable that my thread got deleted- it broke no rules and I wasn't talking about harddruds, all I was bringing up was that it was a different route of injestion that would probably provide a different high!
  12. Pure THC intravenously is not fun! Intense paranoia, anxiety, etc. There is a BBC documentary on it with someone using pure THC and THC + other cannabinoids (one or a few, I cant remember). It is also dangerous, don't do it without professional help.

    If this thread is open in the morning I'll find the links when I'm on a computer.

    Delete every instance of another drug being mentioned if you want to keep it open, just say hard drugs.
  13. and btw there was a bbc documentary that featured IV use. it's allowed on tv but not in any section of GC that isn't Pandora's box.
  14. #15 shroomkid, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2012
    that was one of her first time doing drugs or cannabis (you seem to forget that she was scared out of her mind smoking grass as well. it was only when she got to the hash
    she had a good experience)

    although this makes her experience less viable ^ I'm sure it would make for a rather panicky experience due to it being only THC you are injesting with no CBD.

    and yes this is obviously dangerous if not don't correctly so dont try it on a whim.

    an I've just noticed that this is in seasoned tokers not Pandora's box. WTF? so my thread was deleted for nothing, well done GC mods you guys are what keeps me coming back!
  15. What do you think guys? Should I do it?...For science?
  16. [quote name='"shroomkid"']

    that was one of her first time doing drugs or cannabis (you seem to forget that she was scared out of her mind smoking grass as well. it was only when she got to the hash
    she had a good experience)

    although this makes her experience less viable ^ I'm sure it would make for a rather panicky experience due to it being only THC you are injesting with no CBD.

    and yes this is obviously dangerous if not don't correctly so dont try it on a whim.

    an I've just noticed that this is in seasoned tokers not Pandora's box. WTF? so my thread was deleted for nothing, well done GC mods you guys are what keeps me coming back![/quote]

    I'm pretty sure I can find more spurces that would say pure THC is unpleasant, I believe I've seen it on Erowid. I would still do it for the experience, for some reason I thought I read people hallucinated. If I can find it from my phone I'll post it.

    The possible medical benefits for cancer patients who need a lot of THC is also important, or the other diseases it can help treat.

    Idk why peoples hate, if someone would like to get super high its their choice, at least have an educated/logical argument instead of just callimg him an idiot.

  17. thank you. exactly.

    and yea people even say keif is a more panicky high. I'm not sure that happens to me, maybe because of tolerance?
  18. [quote name='"shroomkid"']

    thank you. exactly.

    and yea people even say keif is a more panicky high. I'm not sure that happens to me, maybe because of tolerance?[/quote]

    Yea kief doesn't make my high panicky, but some real strong sativas have. One of my dealers always had the strongest shit but it would make me so paranoid and uppy high it was uncomfortable, even with the tolerance from smoking qwiso.

  19. same actually a few sativas have put me in that state. it is annoying and uncomfortable. made me anxious so much so that I actually sought out indicas to get a break from that uppity high

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