interesting fact

Discussion in 'General' started by Xenopsy, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. I was toking up with my buddies down the street and learned an interesting fact when one of them started talking about dreams. So they are brothers and their mom was a Biology teacher and knew a shit load about all kinds of stuff.

    My buddy told me that if you eat peanut butter or banana's shortly before you go to bed, you will have some fucked up dreams. He mentioned that peanut butter will make you actually have an interesting but indeed very strange dream when you go to sleep.
    Banana's on the other hand, he said- will make you have a nightmare sorta, almost like a bad trip on shroom's. I figured a mixture of both, peanut butter with a banana would really fuck with your brain. I wanted to try it but they didn't have banana's at their house and we were too high to drive.

    So we raided the pantry and got this Hazelnut spread stuff called Nutella and spread half of it on one side of a slice of bread with the other half covered with peanut butter. We ate the sandwiches and went back into his room. I was so high, so I eventually passed out. It seemed like minutes into which I was dreaming.

    (dream)I was walking down an alley and saw a one dollar bill on the street. I picked it up and walked along. Then I saw a twenty dollar bill on the street and picked that up as well. I kept walking and the alley never ended but there was money all over the street. Everywhere. And that's all I really remember because my buddy woke me up. It was extremely weird just for the fact that it actually did work. I had weird vibes in the dream and such...

    You guys should try it tonight if you want. It really does work. it's fuckin weird as balls.
  2. I always have fucked up dreams, I honestly dont think they could get any more crazier than they already are.
    The second I wake up, I think it wasnt such an odd dream, then a minute later I realize how fucked up it truly was.
  3. No thanks, I already have fucked up dreams that would make me feel at home in a sanitarium.
  4. Thats pretty crazy! I will have to test this out one of these days. Speaking of dreams... my girl woke up this morning and told me she had a dream about beings Barack obama's daughter's friend.... lol just thought it was who dreams of that!!
  5. Dude I don't remember my most fucked up dream. I wanna like eat a shit load of banana's and like punch a whole in the wall; of being so crazy and fucked up.
  6. I ate deviled eggs one night before bed.

    The following morning I accidentally gave myself a dutch oven. That is not the way to start your day..
  7. Haha! Dude that blows some balls.
  8. I've also heard that if you eat dreams before going to sleep your bananas and peanut butter will be very strange and creepy.
  9. Just finished a peanut butter banana sandwich, will report back tomorrow.
  10. i have had that same dream before

    but i almost never have dreams or maybe i dont remember them so i will try your recipe tonight
  11. i just ate 2 bananas
  12. too high to drive.i alway HAVE to drive when im completly STONED.its ery fun haha
    but maybe its diffrent for u
  13. [​IMG]


    tell me what to do to dream. i think its the marijuana

    im like 90% sure its the marijuana no joke
  15. havin a pb and banana sandwich now, will report in the morning...

    if i even wake up that is... :O
  16. I'm more interested in the fact that you thought chocolate hazelnut spread was interchangeable with bananas.
  17. If I'm high or drunk I won't remember dreams either. If I'm sober, I will remember 2-3 dreams per night.
  18. Yeah, weed makes you not remember your dreams. It's official, I heard it on a lucid dreaming forum and on here.

  19. Weed makes you not remember alot of things

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