Interesting day

Discussion in 'General' started by Elem3nt17, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. So im on my coffee break and me and my co-worker decide to head over to this automotive shop to pick up and engine block. On the way we are casually smoking a joint as we always do on break. Anyways we come up over a hill only to see like 10 cop cars doing a commercial vehicle check. I didnt have my seatbelt on so the cop flags us to the side of the road. Soon as we open the window hes like wheres the weed at boys.

    So shit we are fucked right, we give him the roaches and about a quarter of bud. He tells us to step out of the vehicle and that we are under arrest for possession of a controlled substance. He asks if we want a lawer present. We are like nah its just weed weve got nothing to hide.

    So hes like alright, goes to his car then comes back like 10 minutes later. Hes like, you guys were cooperative, you have clean records and you seem to be hard working, you guys dont need this kind of stuff on your permanent record. Im gonna let you go with these words, dont drive a motor vehicle while using recreational drugs or next time I will suspend your license for 24 hours and impound your vehicle.

    He was a young cop, very nice, just proves my point that most canadian cops in my experience are very understanding when it comes to marijuana.
  2. Hes smoking on your quad right now.
  3. Lucky.

    Id get my ass beat, Thrown in a hood im not welcome in and have my herb tooken.

  4. very true

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