Intense nature videos

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by ImagineReality, May 12, 2011.

  1. Well I just found this video on the human brain I thought you guys might enjoy:

    Please post any videos related to nature you guys think we may enjoy. And let me know what you think of the video.
  2. that video was incredible thanks for sharing.... +rep
  3. Glad you enjoyed it! It blew my mind while stoned last night. lol.

  4. haha it was great how they auto tuned it and made it into a song, i thought it was very well done.
  5. Same bro. I've listened to it a few times now..
  6. That was awesome!!! Repeated it like 4 times already lol. The brain is so amazing.
  7. "And then it explodes into an enormous collage!" <----My favorite part.
  8. #8 theanachronism, May 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Hahaha me too! That's the part that's stuck in my head over and over. Damn you brain for being so absorbent! Now I'm gonna have this stuck in there for a while lol
  9. But atleast it explains what is happening while stuck in your head... lol.
  10. #10 theanachronism, May 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Right? Hahah awesome stuff
  11. Damn that was epic. Imagine if classrooms were taught like this. Think about how easy it is to remember song lyrics but mathematical formulas are difficult as fuck haha. Music and education together can change the world. And bring the collage of knowledge to light.
  12. My personal belief is because mathematics are a series of created human beliefs.. Lyrics are just one source to the other. But yeah... Great song! lol.
  13. Mathematics are a series of created human beliefs....As is language. And rhythm. Music is LARGELY based on mathematics.

    My point was people REMEMBER songs. Even shitty ones. Think about "Friday". Fun fun fun fun? If the main lesson can be recalled through music, it would be far more effective.
  14. I know it'd help me.. even if the song sucked, you'd probably remember easier. lol
  15. How is it guys ???
    [ame=]YouTube - Intense Nature - A Song to Hibernate[/ame]


    My man Bill, where ya been??
  17. I know man! I was pumped when I saw he had a part.. Too bad his part was kinda weak.. I miss him too though bro. Hopefully he ain't hooked on crack or somethin. :eek:
  18. Man Bill Nye was the guy I used to watch at like 5am when I was six. He's classic "me". I just remember when he made fake snot, it was such a kick ass episode.
  19. LOL. Can't say I watched him much until school, we would watch his videos in science class. I'd still be down to watch it though while tokin.. :smoke:
  20. I -fucking- -hate- autotune.

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