
Discussion in 'General' started by DoblazE, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. I swear I am pulling my fucking hair out, I went to bed around 11:16pm and no matter what technique I tried or whatever, I cannot go to sleep (Well of course, cannabis tremendously helps my condition but I'm dry :(). It is now 1:51am and have work and school tomorrow! Great!

    Who else hates insomnia like you hate hell? :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  2. i feel you bro ive suffered periods of it for years. luckily it hasnt been bad for me lately but man ive had periods where id stay up for days (no i wasnt spun) and it just sucks. i watchted movies while laying in bed. best method i can think of cuz its better then just sitting there thinking (worst thing to do)>
  3. chug some NyQuil and bust a nut.

    after that, you should be ready to sleep :smoke:
  4. It's not that simple with Insomnia. It never is.

    I've been awake for.. let's do the math here.. 60 hours now, and I'm starting to feel the sleep finally setting in over the desire to. Hopefully I don't end up like Doblaze and wake up two hours later.

    I'm on the verge of trying the Cinder Block Treatment, myself.
  5. im comin off of it after takin melatonin a lot. ambein helped a little too. but in a week i got maybe 10 hours sleep total. bein up for days straight destroys you, its pretty horrible. so i feel for all insomniacs.

    melatonin helps me, try it out :wave:
  6. so if you drink nyquil, nothing will happen? damn dudes.
  7. I have to be awake in 1:30 for work.... and I'm drunker than piss right now.

    Hopefully my car will start.
  8. #8 DoblazE, Jan 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2009
    Sort of, I feel drowsy but not able to go to sleep hate that feeling too.

    Damn Durchii, I feel your pain too.
    My longest was around 43 hours till falling asleep.
    Shit, I guess I'm pulling another all 'nighter'.

    That really sucks bro, I remember doing that before. It's horrible.
  9. I think I've gone on a 38 hr period of no sleep before. I can't remember the exact length because by the end of it I was going out of my mind. I just know that I eventually passed the fuck out and woke up lik 16 hrs later.

    From what I've read and from my own personal experience, if you can't fall asleep within 30-75 mins of first laying down than you usually aren't going to get much sleep. Unless, you get up and do something. Anything. AT ALL. As long as it doesn't involve laying down and forcing yourself to try and sleep. Once you are busy with something else and your mind is more focused on it than on sleep, your body will start to relax again. For me, it usually takes another 20-40 mins before I'm actually ready to pass the fuck out.

    Of course, there are still days where nothing works and you're up forever. I hate those days.
  10. It becomes habitual.. I havent slept in 2 days, and I have no idea when I'll actually lay down. Exercise and break the habit early..
  11. haha...yeah I cant sleep till im at the point of exhaustion..I end up watching alot of movies and reading wiki for hours on can get annoying but meh w/e.

    only thing that sucks is losing track of the days and going to your tues class when its actually friday.
  12. lol, I assume this means a Cinder Block to the head. :D
  13. So, fuck me, right?

    Ever since reading this thread I haven't been able to sleep well, if any at all.

    It totally blows. I hate running on no sleep... especially when I know I'm going to be smoking later. Weed always knocks me on my ass quick if I've had too little sleep.

    Fucking insomnia. :mad:

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