Insect eggs

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Skip I am, Aug 15, 2019.

  1. I've looked online for these eggs and was hoping someone else might be able to help me. The lady's are all getting a neem seed meal foliar and drench tomorrow'ish. I'm all organic so dont have a problem with nature being nature. 20190815_133236.jpg 20190815_133231.jpg

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  2. Never seen that before! It almost looks like a bunch of those decorative cupcake gemmies. Weird that they're on the top side of the leaves.
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  3. Good catch. Looks like butterfly eggs.
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  4. Looks like yours are a little busier than mine.

    Only on one leaf, but this is the second time I've found this.

    These things could lay tile roof. Amazing!
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  5. Right. I only found them on a single leaf. They are currently sealed up tightly in a ziplock back waiting on them to hatch so I can see what they are. I believe @old bser is right. They look just like butterfly eggs. Which is bad mojo as those turn into caterpillars. My neighbors tree has a massive tent caterpillar nest in it right now which is about to be eradicated as soon as my Caterpillar killer and super soaker get here.

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  6. I put mine in a jar to see what happens. They finally got rotten so I threw it away. Better the trash can than the garden.
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  7. They hatched. A bunch of baby caterpillars..... smfh about to spray the whole garden with bt. Because I know there are far more that I never found 20190817_174352.jpg

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  8. Leaf was completely undamaged when the eggs were found and the leaf bagged. 1566089142655.jpg 1566089157212.jpg

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