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Input please!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by THCZombie760, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. Hello fellow growers. I would like to have some input on my lil lady here. She's 5 weeks as thick as a pencil and getting a lil unruly. I have lst'd her and also topped 3 times on diff sites. Any and all feedback is welcomed just don't be a d*%€!! Thanks in advance!!

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  2. #2 akimmey, Apr 24, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    Looks really healthy to me :) It looks like an indica, or indica dominant hybrid, what's the strain? I myself am dealing with a very frustrating pheno of White Widow right now. Tomorrow starts week 4 and she's only 2.5 inches tall with stems that are 2-3 mm thick :/ so I'm hoping it actually starts growing soon. Is the string a scrog net? If your grow space is small, and that's the screen you're going to use for scrog, you should probably force flower on her really soon, as plants typically double or triple in size once flowering begins. That way you still have some space to LST the branches under the net and tuck the fan leaves once the flowers form. Good luck!
  3. She's a zombie og. And yes that is my scrog screen. My grow space is less than 3sqft. And may I ask do I force her into flower???!!! The pic is before I added 2 lights and she went loco!!

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  4. Is that image from the beginning of the grow? Would it be possible to take a new picture from that same angle showing the whole box and plant at the size it is now? I'm thinking you should soon, but having an updated pic will make it easier to decide :)
  5. Yes that was the beginning of the grow. Here she is now.

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  6. Most people say that for scrog, when 50%-75% of your screen is filled, to flip the plants to 12/12 to accommodate for the stretch. But considering the size of your box, it might be good to flip her to 12/12 sometime this week. Have you done any topping on her? Scrog works best when you top a plant a couple times to create multiple colas instead of one. How many active growth tips are there right now? And when you do put her into flower, you might end up needing to add more strings to create a larger grid to accommodate the 2x-3x increase in size you're going to have.
  7. I have topped on 3 diff sites and my last count I had 11 active growths. Including the topped ones.

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  8. Okay, then it's definitely a good idea to flip the lights to 12/12 this week. Do you have a good grasp on the process of pulling the branches under and tucking fan leaves? I don't want to go on a big schpeal about it if you already know what you're doing haha.
  9. Yes and no. The more info/knowledge anyone can give is always wanted needed and appreciated. The only way to have a successful grow is with more insight. Knowledge is power!!!!!
  10. All right, it's pretty easy. Once a growth tip grows through your screen, you grab the branch, and pull it out of the hole it was growing through, and move it as many hole as you can towards the edges of your screen. Then, in a few days when it grows through its new hole, pull it out again and move it to a new hole farther out, and repeat for all of your branches that grow through. Try to keep the screen evenly full, so you don't have any bare spots left. That's why I advised possibly adding more strings to your net so you can keep the branches growing out instead of up. Once you can see bud formation, you should be fine to leave them in their holes until they're ready for harvest. And when you do get budding, make sure to tuck your fan leaves. Exactly what it sounds like. if you have a fan leaf near a bud, or growing over a bud, pull the fan leaf down through the net, and check every day to make sure as many fan leaves stay away from the buds as possible. This will be especially important for you because those CFLs don't have a lot of penetrating power. Hope this helped, keep us updated on your grow! I want to see her once she's fully ripened :)
  11. Perfect thank you for that..... now lemme ask ya.... How many of the "flowering CFL's"( 2700k) should I use??!
  12. I personally haven't used any different types of CFLs besides the basic kind for seedlings, but in general more light = more bud, so use as many as you can :) although, you may want to introduce the new bulbs slowly. Like, change one white CFL for a yellow one, then wait a couple of days to change another one, etc. until all of the bulbs are the 2700ks just to ease the transition. Oh, I forgot to mention this before, but when you flip to 12/12 it's generally a good idea to prune off the bottom third of your plant, just because those leaves won't receive much light due to the canopy above. That way the plant doesn't waste energy keeping those leaves alive, and more energy can go into flower production. So cut off all of those small stems on the bottom third of the plant right at the main stem, and try getting them to root so you can have yourself some clones. That way if your mother plant makes a high quality smoke, you'll have more plants that will produce the exact same bud. Oh, and I don't know if you were planning to do this or not, but make sure to adjust your nutrients for flowering. During this stage nitrogen becomes less important, while potassium becomes a lot more important. So make sure your flowering nutrients have high K values. And make sure to not feed her for the last 2 weeks of flowering, only clean water. That way your plants will drain nutrients out of the flowers to support growth, which will rid your smoke of any nutrient taste that they may have contained.
  13. I'm using the fox farms nutes. And I have a pretty solid water schedule. More or less it's the lighting that I'm most concerned about now.
  14. Then you should be all set. The more lights you have, and the closer they are to the red end of the spectrum, the better off you'll be. Oh, and how big was your plant for the first 3 weeks of its life? I'm trying to figure out the White Widow I have right now. No clue when the growth is going to pick up. It's day 21 under a 400W MH and she's only 2.5 inches tall. I've seen pics of plants that are 8+ inches at this point. So who knows.
  15. Here she is at 3 wks.

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  16. I lstd her very early
  17. Still looks pretty good. Here's mine a day or 2 ago. I want to wait until 5 nodes have developed to top her, but it's taking a long time. The 4th node is still pretty small at this stage. Have you ever seen a 3 week old plant like this before?
  18. no but may I see a side view of her??!!
  19. Wow she is beanpole with a big head!!!!!! There is no streach on that top! Have you tha thought of lst right now??!! I have 2 week old I've started to train!

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