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Infamous Stories

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by sourpatchkids, May 16, 2008.

  1. I know that we all have them, the time that no one can forget; or maybe even times. But anywho there is that time in every stoners life. Mine personally was the night before a party me and a couple of friends went up to home depot and tried to think of the most crucial peice that we could make...well we made our way down the plumbing ilse and then we saw it...the perfect gb top! Well it was about 1/2 inch in diameter and 1 1/4 inches deep (yeah it crushed) but we pick up some K2 that night and packed some fat fucking gbs which are always nice in a little circle cuz they take a while to pack which doesnt speed things along and gives time to chat. we all got high off our asses:hello:

    Lets here your stories...i know all of us tokers have got at LEAST one!
  2. course i got one. I blazed a phx at my buddies house around the fourth of july one night and he had a ton of bottlerockets. so we went out to this parking garage on the top level and launched bottle rockets into the interstate right next to it. So we had some good, prolonged laughs at the bottle rockets freakin out the people in the cars...then a big ol white semi comes by so we launch one off just before passed. it went streamin by the semi, as well as a cop car that just happened to be on the other side of that white semi mean mugging the hell out of us. i don't think youv ever seen three stoners run so god damn fast down 5 flights of stairs. we thought about it later and figured that by the time that cop got off at the nearest exit and somehow tracked that parking garage that we were never in that much danger but...whatever. for those of you from 303 its the garage on I25 and near colorado ave.

    im high..
  3. real life story section?
  4. aight i got a good one.

    One night i was chillin tryin to decide wheather to go to this party cause it was a good distance away (like 45 min). So i ended up goin, but they ran outa beer shortly. I talked to the kid whose house it was bout grindin some hash he whipped out a 4 foot bong, and i started packing bowls of hash. Then, just when we were runnin out, allready blazed outa our minds in like a 10 person circle, the host took out a big bowl of weed (like 20g) and said go at it. It was aight shit and we just sat there for like another hour passing the 4 foot bong takin monster rips. I got up to go, grabbed some weed for the road, and headed out immediately for the 45 minuite drive only to realize as i was headin out the door i had no idea how to get home (i followed someone there). So i turn to the closest person and say "yo how do i get home" his response was "VERRY CARFULLY, you go up the hill nd take a right." So i start driving round 11:30, next thing i know its 12:30 and im in the middle of downtown Baltimore (NOT THE GREATEST NEIGHBORHOOD) which was the complete opposite direction from my house. Took me another hour and a half to get out and get home but damn was i blazed.
  5. yeah guitar i have done that so many times, just roll a fat j for the road, to conentrated on sparking that you head the total opposite sucks but those are some cool stories
  6. one time I was at a party and wasn't sure if there was going to be any weed there so I took two pain killers. Someone showed ip with some weed and we smoked 3 or 4 bowls. After that I thought I was dreaming and I lost sense of everything. I almost grabbed a log out of the fire and I told some one I was Tarzan. There was a piñata there and and I couldn't hit it but when someone finally broke I picked up the candy and started throwing every were. We went inside and I was staring to come down so we went back out and smoked another bowl then I had just a normal high.

  7. WOW! That really is....infamous :rolleyes:
  8. Not many murders take place where I live. I live in a small town in Vermont. One night about two weeks after a local h.s teacher killed his wife(the librarian) me and two extremely drunk buddies decide we wanted to have a good story to tell our kids, what better story then we investigated a murder scene. Well we arrived and of course the doors were locked, me being drunk quickly punched the window panel out and said "no the doors open". We went in and everything was a squeaky clean.The master bedroom where she died was empty but a wooden bed frame, dresser and full length mirror on the wall. We were walking around with the lights on which was dumb when a car pulled in. My friend grabbed the newspapers and walked out the front door while my other friend and I went out a window into the woods. We watched the car harmlessly pull away and we proceeded to run a 40 yd. time in 100 yds. as we got in the car and the fuck outta there.
  9. im in the 303 all the time i got family there and i think i might know where u talkin about

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