
Discussion in 'General' started by desuforeverlulz, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. By the definition of ineffable, which is "too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words", isn't that thing no longer ineffable because you just described it with ineffable, which is a word? :smoking:
  2. :OOOOOOOOOO Whaaaaaaaat
  3. You're still not really describing it by saying it's not describable.

    Unmentionables will show you the true meaning of ineffable.
  4. I know, I just thought the little catch-22 was amusing.

    After trying a particular unmentionable several times chilling in the homestead, and nothing to amuse me but my own thoughts, music, and the internet, I find mainly atomic science and human perception to be ineffable.

  5. I wish this conversation could go further :\ TO THE SHROOMERY.

  6. Lol, Particle science or just chemistry and cognitive science? We seem to be constantly progressing in these fields describing more and more about the nature of reality. The question is is any thing truly ineffable in our universe.

    I love you're word play though. Some times words are inaccurate at describing reality since they aren't real.
  7. The latter. Just how atoms work as they bond. The properties found in the simplest change between isomers let alone entirely different is just about as mind blowing. And to think, every single molecule is just protons and neutrons.

    Words are real in the sense that we can verbalize them or write them down, but the meanings words carry are not real other than to us. They mean to us what our experience with the usage of that particular word carries with us. In the universe outside of human minds, words are just sounds made by sharply exhaling air past vocal chords.

    Also, *your
  8. That girl is too hot to be described with words and would never give my hairy half civilized monkey ass a shot...she is uneffable.

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