Indoor/outdoor Grow C02 Generator Questions

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by AndrewBud, Aug 26, 2007.

  1. I am growing one plant on my balcony she has been flowering for about a month now.

    I am putting her in a closet at night.

    I made a homemade C02 generator out of soda and vinegar and a pop botle.

    Are plants supposed to receieve C02 all the time or just during the day?

    I can only give it to her at night when shes in the closet. Is this doing her any good?

    Any comments are appreciated.

  2. I am not an expert, but to my knowledge a plant should, if could, recieve co2 all the time, but if you can only do it in your closet, then that should be sufficent enough. IMO.
  3. your plant is only using the co2 when it is receiving light. People say you should let the co2 run on the plant for about 2 hours after it goes into the dark, then turn it off til the next light cycle.
  4. okay thanks that anwsers my question

    it only takes in C02 when its receiving light.



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