indoor growroom ( hydro hut )

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by mr weed, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. hi g city
    this is my new setup 1000 watt hps 430 cfn inline fan

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  2. looks great!

    how many plants u got in there?:smoking:
  3. hey man i want to do a similar setup with those portable armoir things. How did you go about intake and exhaust? That seems to be my only concern.

    Those things are great though, the walls are allready reflective enough and they are light tight.:hello:
  4. why are you posting here?
    you do know theres an indoor section,dont you?
  5. dude this is the indoor growing section!:confused:
  6. LoL, my bad, I thought I was in the outdoor section...........
  7. haha its all good man:smoke:
  8. I have 6 plants inside I use a 430 cfn inline fan that put air form inside and go to the air cooling hood and go to out side the house ,tmep stay at 82 when light on, and I have 5 fan inside the hut and 1 out side
  9. Get rid of all that ducting. Cut the ducting down to stretch only the distance it needs to stretch to. Having all the bends and 90 degree turns in the ducting can reduce your fans capability by up to 20%.
  10. thanks Homes will try
  11. hey u all look at out doors:D

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  12. This is the indoor section you hanyak!!!!!!!!!!!! :))
  13. damn bro, arent you afraid of the nosey neigbors?
  14. lol yea thats what I was thinking. "Hey bob did you catch the game last nigh.... OMG?!" :eek:
  15. very nice grow so far.
  16. do you see the size of that dog?
    it would eat you up and spit you it before you even got near the plants

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