Indoor Growing

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by SmokingFIRE, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. I'd love to grow indoors but, How is it on the electricity bill? I hear people get busted cause there meters go up too high and they suspect something because of the tons of power use.

  2. I believe that if you are under 1000 watts per bedroom, you should be fine.
    As long as you pay your bill on time, and give no other reason for the fuzz to believe you are growing (smell, people see the plants through a window, telling someone, ...smell), you should be okay. Unless you are running multiple thousand watt HID's, smell is probably more of a concern.

    There is also an equation you can find on here (I forgot it) that will tell you how much
    your op will cost you monthly, if money is a concern.
    I use about 200 watts of power on for 12 hours a day and i barely notice any increase in my bill at all.
  3. #4 Gr33n_Cr0nIc, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2009
    So many factors go into this question... what lights would you use... what what you do for growing times 18/6 20/4 24/0 all depends... you do a whole fluro grow it will be cheep...

    I have a 5,500 sq/ft home and running my whole system was 15$ on my bill... its like getting a new LCD TV and running it 10 hrs a day...

    Keep it small like 6 plants and you wont need all the light to get you busted...

    its the dumb ppl that grow like 40 plants in a 1,500 sq/ft home making the bill go up 2x is what gets u caught...

    play it smart and look at your bill and see if its too much of a change for you.... but hey... whats life without a bit of risk?

  4. Amen.

    Thanks for your help, Much appreciated.

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