
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by newbstoner, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. From Columbus Indiana, new to the site and new to smoking.
  2. Welcome to the site bro! You'll love it. And weed too.

    Do you get good weed in Columbus?

  3. Honestly not really. Most weed we get from here is called "c-town brown"

    The only way to get really good stuff is from a friend here who gets it from cali...;)
  4. Nice... Honestly, I WISH we could get some mids down here in SC. Nothing better than picking up an ounce for 90-100 and whipping up a pan of brownies.
  5. [quote name='"Aracratz"']Nice... Honestly, I WISH we could get some mids down here in SC. Nothing better than picking up an ounce for 90-100 and whipping up a pan of brownies.[/quote]

    Jesus, lotsa brownnies? We have it alright. Guy across the street from my house sells, so...;)
  6. Ahh, you lucky person... I have to go downtown for mine. Such a pain. I usually light up a blunt with my dealer, so the whole way back I'm sketching.

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