Hold onto your holsters, folks: shooting a cop dead is now legal in the state of Indiana. Governor Mitch Daniels, a Republican, has authorized changes to a 2006 legislation that legalizes the use of deadly force on a public servant - including an officer of the law - in cases of “unlawful intrusion.†Proponents of both the Second and Fourth Amendments - those that allow for the ownership of firearms and the security against unlawful searches, respectively - are celebrating the update by saying it ensures that residents are protected from authorities that abuse the powers of the badge. Others, however, fear that the alleged threat of a police state emergence will be replaced by an all-out warzone in Indiana. Under the latest changes of the so-called Castle Doctrine, state lawmakers agree “people have a right to defend themselves and third parties from physical harm and crime.†Rather than excluding officers of the law, however, any public servant is now subject to be met with deadly force if they unlawfully enter private property without clear justification. “In enacting this section, the general assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of this state to recognize the unique character of a citizen's home and to ensure that a citizen feels secure in his or her own home against unlawful intrusion by another individual or a public servant,†reads the legislation. Although critics have been quick to condemn the law for opening the door for assaults on police officers, supporters say that it is necessary to implement the ideals brought by America's forefathers. Especially, argue some, since the Indiana Supreme Court almost eliminated the Fourth Amendment entirely last year. During the 2011 case of Barnes v. State of Indiana, the court ruled that a man who assaulted an officer dispatched to his house had broken the law before there was “no right to reasonably resist unlawful entry by police officers.†In turn, the National Rifle Association lobbied for an amendment to the Castle Doctrine to ensure that residents were protected from officers that abuse the law to grant themselves entry into private space. “There are bad legislators,†the law's author, State Senator R. Michael Young (R) tells Bloomberg News. “There are bad clergy, bad doctors, bad teachers, and it's these officers that we're concerned about that when they act outside their scope and duty that the individual ought to have a right to protect themselves.†http://rt.com/usa/indiana-shooting-law-state-591/
A goverment issued costume should not give anyone "special" privileges. I don't care if its a burglar or a officer, if they are trespassing on private property then they will be met with a shiny bullet to the back.
No one actually fears this. This is just propoganda. The people are smarter then this. Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Yeah I don't understand that shit. Nonetheless, we need more laws similar to this. It will make the police think twice before tryign to screw citizens over.
well damn, every state needs this kinda law.....happens all the time, cops breaks in without warrant, then winds up shooting the person(s) who live there. pretty messed up that they can go and kill people all the time, most of the time without serious consequence, other than paid leave....but god help us if we try to defend ourselfs from a cop that is breaking in without a warrant
my thoughts exactly Just knowing as a cop you could be shot entering some ones house will make sure they do all the paperwork before proceeding to raid said house Power to the people haha f*ck yeah every state should have this law!!!
i think a lot of people will dislike this simply because of its associations with gun lobbyists, but as a moderate i think this is fucking awesome. police officers need to respect the rights of the people they are protecting. i also think this is a gun middle ground for gun control, because even with greater restrictions, police will still be hesitant to enter a home illegally since there would still be a possibility of legal, lethal force against them.
I just hope the citizen who uses this right doesn't get shot to death by the unwarranted officers partners in crime
Ill bet money that the average death rate because of this will be <1 officer per year if any. The mere existance of the law is intended to keep officers in check. There are other states that already have this law. Police aren't.dropping like flies there Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I like the law and support it, I believe it will work for Idiana because it is a relativley safe state. However in other states with higher viloent crime and bigger police force im not sure if it will actualy stop cops from busting into a house. Also, people who have done somethig wrong can exploit the law with no legal punishment. So yes, I support it for Idiana but not for all of the 50 states.
Multiple states have "stand-your-ground laws", which apply for "common folk", however the police are above the law so I guess extra legislation is needed.
"Oh you think that shiny piece of metal on your uniform gives you the right to break into my home and expect to get out in one piece? That's cute. "
I believe Georgia and Texas both have castle.docterines Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I do like this, but I'm with John. I don't think this would actually keep any cops from unlawfully entering someone's house. I don't think there's been any cop ever that's broke into someone's home without a warrant while they were home without at least a partner. If someone did shoot a cop entering their home illegally, most likely the other one would shoot the homeowner dead as well and wouldn't face any punishment whatsoever afterward except maybe the usual paid vacation. Along with this should be strict, heavy punishments for illegally entering a home in the first place. Maybe I'm just skeptical, but I don't foresee any situation in which a homeowner is going to shoot a police officer entering his home and walk away not only safe but without even any legal consequences. Especially with the rate at which "probable cause" is growing.
I think that this has been bred into our American society I want peace liberty and freedom for all But I honestly think if we went back to Darwinism like the strongest survive The world would be in a better place I mean no offense by this everyone deserves a chance to live But by making it easier for everyone to live everyone suffers including our earth I think the welfare thing has gone to far and made it to where people know they will survive even if they don't work as hard as they can every day Or at all in some cases Don't get me wrong though I think it's way past the point of no return on the whole strongest survive type a deal And before some one says it I do Not support 1%
YYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSS fuck anyone who tries to enter my castle i mean have some common respect. if you want to enter someones home, knock. if they dont answer. wait them out. its not that differcult
For the record, the constitution already legalized the use of deadly.force against police. Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app