Incredible bulk, tutanhamon, leias og, hellfire og, hellboy og, original cheese

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Dachem, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. 20170713_105734.jpg incredible bulk 20170717_155516.jpg tutunhamon 20170717_155457.jpg tutunhamon 20170713_140257.jpg leias og 20170713_140250.jpg hellfire og and hellboy og 20170713_140244.jpg
    Incredible bulk #3

    original cheese and incredible bulk was started in march. The incredible bulk #3 and tutonhamon was started in april and leias og, hellfire og, hellboy og was started end of may. These are grown in west central wisconsin.

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  2. Looks great!
  3. Thumbs Up!
  4. Wisconsin grown and my 1st grow
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  5. Looks like it would be too late, but i would suggest supercropping to increase yeilds.
  6. I think the og''s will be too late but the incredible bulk and cheese will be great I super cropped, manifolded and fimed them the cheese two main stauKS snapped so I cut them off and let two lower branches cetch up the og''s I'm just trying to see if they will finish so I'm not doing anything that might set the date farther in October next year I will be doing a bunch of training to the og''s as I have plenty of beans
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  7. Keep posting pics as they finish.
  8. Tutunhamon July 29th 20170729_131628.jpg 20170729_131533.jpg 20170729_131516.jpg 20170729_131440.jpg 20170729_131424.jpg
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  9. Incredible bulk July 29th 20170729_125522.jpg 20170729_125425.jpg 20170729_125418.jpg
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  10. My liea''s og, hell fire og, bellboy og and the biggest incredible bulk #3 20170729_200229.jpg 20170729_200226.jpg 20170729_200221.jpg
    Ya they need fert
  11. This is my tutunhamon it flowered so early I think it a auto but when I baught it they said fem. Only 20170729_131628.jpg 20170729_131533.jpg 20170729_131516.jpg 20170729_131440.jpg 20170729_131424.jpg
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  12. Just plain beautiful 20170731_141129.jpg
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  13. Tutunhamun aka king tut aug.7 20170807_195142.jpg 20170807_195109.jpg incredible bulk Aug.7 20170807_192555.jpg
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  14. Getting there!!!!
  15. Tutunhamon aka king tut Aug 15. How much longer you think this girl has smell super lemon and some pine

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  16. Incredible bulk aug 16 20170816_125703.jpg 20170816_125853.jpg 20170816_125609.jpg 20170816_125508.jpg 20170816_125916.jpg
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  17. Incredible bulk September 1st 20170901_135940.jpg 20170901_135918.jpg 20170901_140217.jpg

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