Increase NO. of female plants: Monster plants = female?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by wxchiga, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. I mean if I keep the light cycle of 18 light / 6 darkness on until they grow like really big, and give them the roots enough space, there are more chance for getting more females? How much more would it be?
  2. No, its genetics.
  3. Hey boss! You've been helping me out a lot since the beginning, so you know I'm not trying to be mean,
    Don't be so sure about the "No" you just said, read this post from some other forum, they've got some intresting theories. I think some of it might be true, like the "gibberellic acid (GA3)" which makes the plants seedless.

    However, I think you and the others guys of professionals might need to read this thread~~~ important!
  4. Yea, ive heard lots of claims, from what ive seen personally, I dont believe it in, but whatever works :)
  5. I have heard loads of anecdotal (old wives´) tales about increasing the number of females -many of them being obvious nonsense.
    Gibberelic acid is used to make a female MJ plant produce male flowers - pollen from them is still genetically female and is used to produce feminised seeds.
    The very existence of feminised seeds proves thet sex is pre-determined.

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