Income tax season is coming...

Discussion in 'General' started by PhillGates, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. (sighing) I wish it would hurry the fu*k up, it's been awhile since I've been able to afford some really dank shit. I've just been settling with regs for the past few months and I only know one person who sells the most legit bud but doesn't do anything smaller than 1/2 oz.

    Really trying to be patient here, I just thought I'd ramble about it a little :cool:
  2. I know what you mean, hang in there though ! ganjaerb will be there soon enough !
  3. Tax refunds are for chumps that like making 0% interest loans to the government.

    Set up your withholding so that absolutely nothing is withheld at all. Then you get to keep almost all of your money each paycheck.

    You can place that money in an interest earning account, and you'll earn interest from your money instead of letting the government hold onto it for a year+ earning interest on YOUR money.
  4. I would take this guy's advice. :smoke:

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