Incandescent Watt?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by wadenfx, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. I was counting up the wattage on all my lights, what does it mean if it says "15 Watts / Incandescent equivalent 60 watt" do i count it as15 watts or 60 watts?

  2. A watt is a watt, no matter what is using it, that cfl is only using 15 watts. But as far as lighting and lumens go, it's equal to a 60 watt incandescent.
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  3. #3 GoldGrower, Aug 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2014
    Yeah as above.
    This whole "equivalent to an incandescent of 'x' amount of watts" thing is completely irrelevant to growing, and it confuses beginners all the time. Incandescents give off very little light per watt of electricity used. CFLs are simply more efficient
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  4. Hey gold do you think LED bulbs will eventually replace CFL's?
  5. I was curious about that too, cause I heard you never count the "equal to". So I counted my cfl's watts as about 120. But the equivalent wattage would mean I have like , 400watts. So now I don't know
  6. #6 GoldGrower, Aug 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2014
    Yeah that means you have around the same amount of light that a 400w incandescent light bulb would produce. 
    You have to keep in mind that incandescent bulbs are very inefficient and for that reason are not suitable for growing. Too much electricity used and too much heat produced per amount of light produced
  7. #7 GoldGrower, Aug 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2014
    Not while you can buy a 20w CFL from almost any store for just £2. Household bulbs that have LEDs in them are usually 1w diodes and run up about 4 or 5 watts and cost like a tenner.
    I think once you are spending £100 or more they are worthy rivals. Watt for watt LEDs will yield a lot more than CFLs. But for very cheap set ups CFLs still hold the number one slot I think 
    I guess technically LEDs would win eventually because the only advantage CFLs have is their price, and that will likely change eventually but it's going to be a while.
    Although, household LED bulbs aren't going to have spectrums that are aimed at plant growth. So watt for watt they may not even grow more bud than CFLs
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  8. I hate to ask this but...
    With that amount of light, if I put a 12"-15" bushy plant into flower in a growbox for like two months with grow big and tiger bloom could I get an ounce dried off it?
    With 120 watts of CFLs you can easily get an oz. With good training and good bulb placement you could get 2oz 
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