In need of advice

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by michaelp1412, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. #1 michaelp1412, Nov 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2014
    Hi. I have a situation I need help with. Married my wife in 2003. Found out she had an addiction issue. 2005 rehab
    Relapse 2013 . Another rehab. We are seperated now because she disappeared for 2 days in august , but trying to put things back together.
    Now I find she is smoking pot daily. With her this weekend and she smoked 7 bowls on Saturday. Says she's spending $100 a month, probably means $200.
    She seems "normal" when she smokes but I I feel it takes the intimacy and feelings away from us bring together.
    Should I be concerned considering prior circumstances? Help me out smokers. I love my wife and this is hard for me.

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  2. Sorry you are going through this first of all. Secondly you need to approach her with understand and care not anger ever. If she thinks you will be mad she will clam up and put up all sorts of walls. If she is doing anything other than weed I think thats a problem however if it is only weed and she's productive....let her be. You can get close to someone even if they are high cause even when it seems like they are zoned out they are sometimes more intuned to you than you think.
    100 a month on weed depending on your location is usually less than an ounce. I smoke 2 ounces a month that amounts to 240$$ a month and I am a very productive member of society. I am currently pregnant, I am involved in my communtiy via giving my time at the SPCA and I am a full time Automotive tech. 
    Most importantly talk to her. Person to person and really listen and until she gives you reason to doubt and not trust her....give her the trust man. Good luck!
  3. Thanks for the reply. I didn't think anybody was going to talk to me. I tried smoking long ago and recently when I found out she was. it doesn't work for me. I wish I could so I could "get it". Muscles don't work.Get quiet. Head in a fog. Can't work.
    I want to understand so I can say it's ok if this is gonna be your vice. I'm not there yet.
    I also feel that if were going to put our marriage back together we can't have a real discussion if she's high. Doesn't it numb you and make you not feel feelings that are important, like the possibility of divorce.
    Help me understand how it works with most people.

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  4. I'm also sorry your going through this. I can tell you that addicts are self-centered to the core. I know I was. You should see if there are any al-anon meetings in your area. That way you can meet other people going through the same things you are. I do know people in the program (na or aa) that are on a " marijuana maintenance" program as they call it. It works for some people however many in the program don't agree with it. I think for you its a concern, a red flag of sorts. If she is doing this what will it lead to. The flip side to that is long term drug issuers tend to have a chemical imbalance from years of abuse so smoking bud levels them out. Sounds like your journey with her has been long. You just need to be honest with how you feel. If she can't understand where you're coming from than maybe it is time to move on. Check out those meetings, I think they will help.

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  5. I'm a girl, so it's always nice to have advice from the opposite sex. seems to put things into a different perspective as both genders' brains are built differently!

    first of all, it's unusual behavior for any woman. you don't hear stories about men seeking advice for their stoner/addict girlfriend. sounds like something else is involved, not just marijuana. generally, the stoners I am around are more than approachable. for instance, my boyfriend gets super cuddly... he just wants to lay in bed and wrap his arms around me and pass out. my best friends like to rant about life and creation and the universe and we have long ass talks. (probably not long. since I'm high too, it would be like 2 minutes, lol). so you should be going the extra mile to see if she is getting into anything else. that would be a horrible discovery for you... but at this point in your lives, it's inevitable. if it's just marijuana, it could be an easy fix. try calling and searching around for stoner anonymous meetings. if not, I'm sure the regular addiction meetings (not alcohol - drug abuse!) would do the trick. the victim has the option to announce which drug(s) it is, or they can keep it a secret. if she loves you, will do this for you.

    if you have found that the above suggestions haven't helped at all, I'm going to quote, here - "if you love someone, let them go. if they come back, they are yours. if they don't, they never were." that's not the most heartwarming quote, but I feel like it applies here well. life always has twists and turns - just do what's best for YOU. you've been in this mess for years, it's time to make the call. and only you can do that... from the bottom of your heart.
  6. She was in rehab for weed? Or is there other drugs involved. If she is really bad off, then the drugs will take place of the marriage and she will be ripping you off for anything. cash from your wallet. She will get your ATM PIN code and withdraw money from the bank. Pawning your jewelery or any other valubles you may have. Without help, staying high will be her #1 priority and she will continue into a downward spiral until she dies.
  7. Thanks everybody. was not for weed. I don't know what my limits are here on your forum and hope I don't get kicked out. 2005 was hydrocodone and 2013 was adderall.
    She spiraled bad and almost lost her job on the first one. Second time was worse and she did lose that job in April. Got a new job in October 10 minutes from home. $20 an hour. Got drug tested and let go. Now she got an new job for the same money but has to drive 3 hrs a day with traffic. I don't care about weed. I just don't want it to lead back to the other shit and I'm scared it will...reason I need smokers advice.
    I don't see anything good coming out of this but I'm trying to find it.

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