Hey everyone. My sources have all gone dry here in DSM (Des Moines, Iowa) and I'd love to meet some new folks that might be able to help a fellow out. Anyways, pleasure to be here and hopefully I get the chance to meet a few folks. A little about me... I'm 25, in a relationship and I've got a decent job. Enjoy smoking and the general "don't give a fuck" feeling associated with it. If your interested in chatting it up, smoking it up, or doing whatever, let me know. Peace.
look for my buddy he lives on main street.... hes got half an afro half shaven his boz is the fourth one down from the x mart but make sure you go to the sony box not the magnavox those people are grouchy tell him you know a friend named axl and he will give you approxmimantly two grams of midgrade you then go sell the midgrade to the people in the yamaha box because he doesnt like them but they need bud you make ten bucks and its five a gram but ten for the people in the panasonic box so it was twenty plus lemonade... but hey im just fucking with you and baked!