In Cali, LA How many grams of chronic does twenty bucks buy?

Discussion in 'General' started by DumbHighGuy, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. ok my fellow weed heads, I have a question here. I've been smoking off and on since I was in my teens. I'm in my early twenties now... I have a dumb question but I have to ask. My new (guy) has been selling me chronic for a few months now. I usually don't really trip on how much is in the bag, I just try to measure it from past, trusted, weed guys. Some days his bags seem fat, some days it seems short, but I usually trust him. Me being a trusting guy. Anyways long story short this guy had me drive to go pick up some weed and he asks me do I want a gram? I was thinking I swore you got 2 to 3 grams of CHRONIC for twenty bucks. If anyone can honestly answer my question I'd appreciate it. I've asked a few ppl already so hopefully I'm wrong cause I don't want to have problems with my weed man. If you guys can help me out I'd appreciate it.
  2. 1 of the good stuff.
  3. 20-1gram if it's some bomb med grade.
  4. One g for 20 is acceptable if you live where good weeds hard to come by, and or if it's the best fuckin weed you've ever seen.

    Otherwise, hell no.
  5. if it's kill 20 a gram

    for me at least the usual is 10 a gram

    but my usual is kill compared to other places so . . .
  6. 20 for 1gram is a good average. Some people get it for less but for the common folk 20bucks for 1gram isnt anything weird

    Sometimes its 25 sometimes it 10

    5 or 10bucks difference isnt a rare thing
  7. a lot of dealers only give a gram or so for twenty.

    but they sell half 8ths for 25, so by spending another five bucks you get another .7-.8

    might wanna keep that in mind if all you get is dubsacks
  8. hey i get what you are saying but this is chronic, do you know the break down for chronic?
  9. Everyone was talking abotu chronic

    we dont fool around here !
  10. gonna be hard when your method of description is a matter of opinion
  11. Ya my bad guys if my thread is unclear. I'm just trying to make sure I'm not being dicked... especially because this guy is just a down right jerk. I may have to go ahead and just measure it when I buy it and just make sure its anywhere in between 1 and 3 grams thanks guys I really appreciate your help.\ and once again sorry if I am unclear to anyone OH YAH BA1LS420 nice comments man... I have to go to work now hope to talk to you guys later.
  12. OMG 1g for $20?? I thought cali had an abundance of weed! In Ontario $20 can get you a fairly decent 1/8.
  13. I hate Canadians...

  14. where i am, you are lucky to get 1g for $20. fuckers here try to sell .7 for $20.....str8 bullshit
  15. i always assume 1.4 grams the norm, from what ive seen
  16. *smug*
  17. what the hell i thought cali was ganj central. you wont catch any bostonians paying 20 for a g unless its the dopest shit around

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