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in a situation, any advice?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Big_Jay, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. hey guys, at the moment i have a plant growing which is 16 days old which aint much but im unsure of the sex. I got my seeds this morning which are all feminized so should i stop my other plant and get these going or should i wait and be disappointment cos it may be a male? The seeds i have are 3 easyryder fem and an la woman fem which i will be cloning.

    What ya think?

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  2. It really is your call whether to abort your current grow. If I had the space, I would continue it and add the new plants.
  3. well it has to be stealthy due to a landlord lol and the cupboard im using can fit 3 ryders nicely.

    im currently working on my attic so i can get a good setup going so i can clone my la woman seed and get a good grow from that.

    This current seed is jus a random seed but it seems a waste to cut it cos it looks really healthy=/ it started jus to test my grow conditions and to see if the soil and stuff was good and to see if the lighting was adequete.

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