
Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by HelloFriend, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. If your very high and your in Facebook , you go to some big community where there is tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of members, and they write to their status: "whats up?" and you write : "high :D just wake n baked :D" . imagine how much you can actually affect other people thoughts and brain by doing this in the direction of MJ and not only that actually you can fucking connect into so many people minds by even existing there and giving that answer . and theres also a big possibility that your comment gets most likes and then even more people see me and my comment and I am basically suddenly connected to so many people all together :D
  2. :O I didnt dare to actually write it cause all of my people would then know im a toker :D
    hahaha:D but u know what happened? :O the commune owner himself wroted a bit later: "Puff puff pass" :D so in other words he himself guessed right :D that wake n bake is the right way to gooo .... :D

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