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I'm so fucking tired

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Big Poppa Puff, Oct 15, 2002.

  1. I'm so fucking tired!!!!!!!!!Riding up and down the interstae the last three weeks. Work piling up, bosses getting mad because I'm not here and then get mad when I say I need to get back on the road. Missing the wife and kids, and things around the house breaking down waiting for the Dad to come home and fix them. I'm so fucking tired. Come home and find out you have been volunteered to help at the school. And I'm back long enough to get work straightened out again and then gone some more. Thank god some hotels still have smoking rooms.
  2. Poor Poppa!

    I hope you get your much needed rest soon! ;)
  3. I hope you get some quality time in dreamland soon!!!! It always seems like there arent enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs to be done! But it shall all work out for you. And yes, thank god some hotel rooms still allow you to smoke. I seems like they are trying to take all rights away from smokers anymore!!
  4. Pace yourself my friend. Rome asn't built in a day and you damn sure can't build Alabama in a day!!!!

    I hope you get some rest. Don't let momma puff get you to loaded with school shit either. You don't need to over load yourself to the point that it wears you down too far!!

    Thanks for remembering critter!!!! Sometimes just remembering makes us feel some one is thinking about us!
  5. LOL my friend. Stay stoned so you don't forget about the gathering at the river with all of us stoners!
  6. Its not as bad as I make it out to be. I've just been on the go for so long that I haven't had time to recharge the batteries. But here's a couple of good stories to pass along.

    Stayed at a hotel recently and got put on the smoking FLOOR. Not just one room but the entire floor was dedicated to smokers. That really helped when sneaking a toke and as any well-trained smoker can tell you, I detected another couple of stoners enjoying a sneaky toke. Then I had a couple of wiatresses and females at a restaraunt ask me if I was smoking cloves. With a wink they all said that the cloves are good to cover up other smoke. I just nodded my noggin in agreement.

    Went to a strip bar to pacify a friend. Ever since I had my little girl, I feel wierd and guilty going to strip bars. The dancers never seem to be happy and none of them have a good time. One patron was having a bachelor party and they got him on-stage for a lead-out revue. Each girl came and wiggled in his lap, rubbed boobs in his face, etc. EXCEPT for the last two girls. One of them told him to get down on his hands and knees so she could ride him like a pony. Being drunk, the guy did. Then the last girl pulled out a big thick leather belt and showed it to him. In an Austin Powers voice he said 'Spank me Baby" and she did. She pulled back and laid a lick on his ass that sounding like a gun going off. He fell to the ground cussing and crying and fussing. The girl on his back pulled him back up and they gave him two more powerful, painful pops with the belt. Everybody in the bar was laughing their asses off. The dude ran oof stage crying and cussing the girls threatening to sue.
  7. wrangled right into that stripbar were you? crying eh? serves him right! least you got top see the rodeo version.
    dont work too hard puffy, us gals tend to get used to it

  8. I knew you would call me on that. I don't mind going but once I get there, I get very depressed and feel sad because there's not one dancer that enjoys what they are doing.
  9. AWWWWW.....that's heartbreaking!
  10. i happen to like going out and shaking my ass for money ever night.
  11. I hear ya, my man travels 60% of the week.Y'all keep the lights on. the bellies fed and the asses warm (and clean),Mama kisses the booboos and cleans the stank drawers to keep asses warm and cooks the food to keep bellies warm all the while wondering why the repitition & where is Poppy? Send emails,cards and remember you are partners in the rat race and TALK to each other any way you can.Sometimes the only connection you can get is through email or phone messeges, cards,email cards or even hopping in the shower or bath together when you can. Just remember it was just you 2 before the babies and some IMPORTANT things are more important than other important things when seen through a child's eyes. 5 minutes of acting a stupid tickle monster and telling your woman how much sexier she is mantaining y'alls home sweet home will go farther than any toy or gift, thats what they remember more! Tell her you need a few hours chill time then get up and just do what the 2 of you naturally come to when not interupted(spelling?) Stay the team y'all were from the begining. We need more whole families(separated familiies 60%) as the babies benefit too! If you have access to weed get Mama into it too(if she is open to that) cause you are blessed.
    Remember this too shall pass)Keep reaching higher and connect w/ Mama!
    I thought I was the only 1 who felt this. Ain't something to post on the PTA board at school. hardy freakin' har'
    help me;>

  12. HIGH All, that's too bad the rippers down there are unhappy. I know you are uncomfordable about going into ripper bars BPP...but you gotta get out with us a couple of times sitting on G (Gynecology) row the rippers up here are happy and are glad to give you a show and I mean a show. Just last night we were in the ripper bar and the other people sitting on the other side of the stage we're getting pissed O.F.F.F. because the girls were giving us All the action. It was my LHM's B-day Yesterday and we got gowed (pissed).
  13. im shakin my ass..wheres the money?
  14. Maybe you'll get money when you STOP shaking your ass...try it!
  15. Well I'm all rested up and ready to go back on the road next week. Will Ms. Ashley Judd, minus her race car hubby meet me??

    PS, its still raining. 10 days in a row and I got caught while working today. Soaking wet from head to tail and freezing cold as I type.
  16. L ets just say i'm not jealous BPP. They should call you super dad. All that workin and you still have time to help out with the little girlies costume. I'm thinkin' i'm gonna have to get one of them job thingies one of these days.

    p.s. Just remember when your wathcin' them asses shake that those girls are makin good money
  17. im tired too tired...OF NOT BEING HIGH, OFF TO SMOKE A BOWL..BBL:D
  18. I've had some subcontractors working for me this week and the crew are all hillbillies from West Virginia. All are layed-off coal miners looking for a job. And they have had me laughing non-stop. Even when we were standing in mud up to our ankles and the rain kept pouring and pouring and pouring, and none of us had a rain suit, they still made me laugh watching them sing and dance in the rain and throw mud at each other.

    Here's one they told me and flowerchild, pleae forgive me.

    "What's the best thing about West Virgina?? All our women are toothless and give the best blowjobs east of the mountains."

    Today was our last day and I gave them some cash to go out and have fun. I hope the women of Alabama forgive me for unleashing this mongol horde on them.
  19. there...

    is a cat.. mother fucking cieling!!!!!

  20. maybe if you didn't have a carrot stickin out of it you'd make some money....

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