im smarter when I'm high, so i realize how dumb I am.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by erak101, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. The first time I ever got high, i faced a very rude awakening. Life changing. I realized I'm not an intelligent person. For my entire life I had somehow imagined I was smart. Somehow convinced myself that when I stupidly did something wrong I was somehow doing it better/differently than either people. My ideas, actions, and other prosecess were somehow more well thought / better then everyone else's. Looking back I realize thats not it. I used to think I just lived on a different wavelength, that was either equal or better than the normal one. I know realize i think ni think in a different wavelength but not in a good way. Im thinking at an inferior wavelength. The same speed, but worse. I dont think I'm that dumber, but certainly a little worse. Other people make faster connections, and sometimes superior connections. This makes me feel like I'm living a worse version of life, somehow it's not as good as a smart persons life. This makes me feel very sad. I feel almost as if i was cheated of a good life. I almost wish I didn't realize im stupid, but I gess uts a good thing I know im dumb. And now I realize everyone knows im dumb. Some may not or may look down on me for it, but almost everyone notices I'm not as intelligent. This feeling makes me think im not as good a person and maybe i shouldn't achieve the same things other people do. I REALLY want to become a police officer (he says on a weed forum, haha i know) but maybe I don't deserve it. Ill do badly in it. Being smart is completely necessary for being a law enforcement officer. I'll be a bad one. This makes me feel very bad but then I realize being intelligent isn't the only facet of a humans personality. It may be the most important one, who can say for sure it might be different for different people, but it's not the only one. Kindness, comparison, physical enjoyability, attractiveness, bravery, loyalty, sense of humor, and many other traits, are all cumulative to create a person's true identity and ability to be liked. Who can say for sure which are most influential of a person's identity, I personally say intelligence is most important. Maybe my friends enjoy me for something other than my debatable intelligence. Maybe their just friends with me because I drive them around. But that's an issue for another time. Because the pink floyd music is fading along with the high, and I need to return the actual world. These wonderful sounds im hearing are really my thoughts, and my supposed thoughts and imagination are in reality the music I listen to. Yeah, Pink floyd really fucks me up. I just leave you to consider my words and maybe give them a response.
  2. Dont be too critical of yourself, intelligence is not the most important quality humans can possess IMO.

    I enjoy people for who they are, i have a friend who is a bit goofy, he knows it, embrasses it and i love him for it.

    Id prefer him over an intelligent cunt.

    Anyway, you dont have to be particularly intelligent to be a cop, in fact if you are too smart you cant be a cop.

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  3. If you're so smart, why don't you use paragraphs.

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  4. He
    hey bro love your outlook.. True that!
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  5. Dude how high are you right now?
  6. Sorry, i had to type that all on my phone, though I think you're missing my point . . .
  7. Thanks for the reply, I do like your outlook. That's definitely something to consider and i'm glad you posted it.
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  8. Don't worry about it bro you have a brain you can increase your intelligence and your wisdom, use magic mushrooms to hyper connect your brain. There are many things out there for "non smart " people, don't worry about it at all, it's like worrying about your dick size or something it's not how big it is, it's how you use it :)
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  9. you'll realiz how dumb you were when high, then realize how dumb u are when high, get it?
  10. You're not necessarily smarter, your brain is just more-wired and tends make the left and right hemispheres function more harmoniously thus seeing things clearer and from a wider perspective. Why you think psychedelics are illegal ;)

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