Im Retarded.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by mthrfckrz, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. okay so yesterday i decided to transplant my 1 1/2 month GDP.. i went around the edges to make the soil come out everything seemed to want to come out.. so me like a dumbass i pulled on the stem and i heard so much roots rip.. after i took it out i had just about maybe a fistfull of roots n i went ahead and put it into another 5 gallon pot w/ better water vents.. it wilted hella bad and it took about 2 hrs to straighten back up.. i know i put it thru shock..

    now my question is will this clone maybe hermie?... since i did do massive root damage... =/

    after i dumped the other soil.. i saw so much roots.... =x

    im sorry plant
  2. Probably won't hurt anything. I don't have a lot of experience with MJ since this is the first time I tried growing it, but I've been gardening for a while n I've learned that plants are actually pretty resilient and can take a fair amount of abuse.

    On the plus side, you learned that to transplant a potted plant, you should support the top of the soil with one hand while turning the pot upside down and allowing the root ball to slide out. :)

  3. yes thats what i was trying to do.. but i had used regular dirt from the ground.. it was stuck on the pot and some was very soft so it just crumbled.. so i tried to pull on it and bam... i ripped it =x
  4. <TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 1778892" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>mthrfckrz</TD><TD class=alt2>yes thats what i was trying to do.. but i had used regular dirt from the ground.. it was stuck on the pot and some was very soft so it just crumbled.. so i tried to pull on it and bam... i ripped it =x </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    Another reason to use pro mix. That would never happen to a plant if it was in highly aerated would slide out like butter. Mine always do
  5. its happened to me before. they went into shock for awhile but they were still ok in the end.
  6. yeah thank you guys for the input..

    she seems to be doing good!
  7. Is it very common to stress a female into a hermaphrodite in instances like this or does it just happen from time to time when the plant is damaged?

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