I'm not political, and these videos are old.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by coalition17, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. Why the HELL is he debating Stephen Baldwin?

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPuJQaIgJeg]Ron Paul owns Stephen Baldwin in marijuana debate. - YouTube[/ame]

    This is just a beautiful thing
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmoIetpgG6g]Ron Paul pwns a trick question in Debate 1-10-08 - YouTube[/ame]

    I can understand this and I'm not versed in economics or politics...
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFrJvMWMdLY]Ron Paul The real reason why oil prices are high - YouTube[/ame]

    I just think Dr. Paul deserves a chance..If everyone whoever said, "I like Ron Paul, but he doesn't have a chance" votes for him, Ron Paul will win by a landslide. Vote your conscience.

  2. That's why you understand it. Economics is fairly simple, but the media and the brainwashing educational system muck it all up and confuse people.

    He won't win because America is lost. Now it's only acceptable to discuss this or that form of statism. The ideas of liberty, freedom, and the Constitution are seen as "extreme" or "crazy" by the mainstream.
  3. Yeah... So crazy to think that we'd allow our own people to make decisions for themselves. Decisions that don't outright affect anyone but the person making the decision.

    I don't mind a government wanting to take control of the national economy, I just wish they'd be honest with the people.(Wishful thinking to the HIGHEST of degrees)
    And maybe a little less greedy. So much to ask for, it is :\

    Ah well.
    This year I think I shall make the effort to get out and vote, whether or not it means anything.
  4. Wow the lady in the first video thats presenting the 2 is so obviously biased its ridiculous.. Hardly asks any good questions, its almost like shes trying to make him look bad.

    lol at this point I think ron paul is the only electable candidate. He would destroy Obama. My grandparents are in town and they said if obama gets elected 4 more years their leaving the country..
  5. I saw the video with Alec Baldwin a while back, and all I could think was "what qualifies Mr. Baldwin to discuss the legalization of cannabis with a congressman."

  6. The ending of that video nearly made me sick. She asked Dr. Paul if he'd ever used marijuana and he said no, and they just got these snide looks.

    I wish I could move to Canada.

  7. Yeah being famous doesn't make you educated on every issue and it sure as shit doesn't make you intelligent.
  8. [quote name='"Americandutchyz"']

    Yeah being famous doesn't make you educated on every issue and it sure as shit doesn't make you intelligent.[/quote]

    It reminded me of a quote from the 40 year old virgin, "this is like if Mike Tyson were fighting an infant." Dr. Paul ofcoarse being Iron Mike.

  9. lol yeah and a majority are rooting for the infant smh...
  10. [quote name='"Americandutchyz"']

    lol yeah and a majority are rooting for the infant smh...[/quote]

    Yea that's the sad part :(

    It 's time for some REAL change.
  11. #11 Shipwreck, Mar 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2012
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZU0c8DAIU4]Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America - YouTube[/ame]

    Very important video!
    Its absolutely amazing that this man predicted this all before his time.
  12. #12 Americandutchyz, Mar 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2012
    Yeah it really is. I was skeptical about Ron Paul at first, but hes the first candidate I've seen in years thats consistent, and doesn't flip flop like a fuckin fish out of water. This alone gives him more credibility than most candidates.

    I'll stand behind the US whichever candidate is chosen though.. and if it all goes to shit, I'll be there to help rebuild it, I don't really like the whole lets cut and run to another country thing.. The lowest moment of a country IMO is the most critical.
  13. [quote name='"Americandutchyz"']

    Yeah it really is. I was skeptical about Ron Paul at first, but hes the first candidate I've seen in years thats consistent, and doesn't flip flop like a fuckin fish out of water. This alone gives him more credibility than most candidates.

    I'll stand behind the US whichever candidate is chosen though.. and if it all goes to shit, I'll be there to help rebuild it, I don't really like the whole lets cut and run to another country thing.. The lowest moment of a country IMO is the most critical.[/quote]

    We gotta break it down to build it back up... Ya know give the government a firm and hard check of who can control the country. Hopefully it can be a peaceful revolution of the mindset of modern America, but if not guns have seemed to have worked in the past.:devious:
  14. Well, I hope every peaceful method possible is tried before something violent takes place.. If that does go down it'll make the revolutionary war and the civil war put together look like fucking disneyland.

    I'll be in the Marine Corps next winter, but I think the National Guard would be used in the event the govt. uses the military to deal with unrest. If I am used to deal with any unrest and am ordered to shoot at US citizens.. I will refuse and gladly get a court martial.

  15. "Where liberty dwells, there is my country." - Ben Franklin

    I have no allegiance to America. Why should I? I don't understand why people are so patriotic to the land mass they were born on. America used to be great and there was reason to be a proud American, but it's greatness is gone and there's no cause for pride anymore.

    I agree with Franklin, and liberty no longer dwells in the US.

  16. Yeah well I do. I'm damn proud to be american. Thats my choice, not because I was born there.. I think theres still plenty to be proud of.. the fact that you don't see that is your problem.
  17. I remember that "debate" with the looney tunes and religious nut that is Stephen Baldwin. Baldwin can't project an original thought into this "debate" as he repeats the same bullshit rehetoric that's been used against pot since the 80s. The same bullshit that continues to fuel the bullshit war on drugs. The same bullshit that continues to over populate US prisons (the highest in the world per population, USA! USA! USA!).

    Fuck Baldwin, cock sucker.

    Ron Paul 2012!

  18. Yeah wtf, if I'm driving high I'm wayyy wayy more cautious than if I'm sober haha, and wayyyyy the fuck more cautious than when I'm smashed.

  19. I see the largest military empire in the history of the world. I see aggressive unjust wars being waged all over the world. I see the biggest economic bubble in the history of the world caused by our horrendous monetary system. I see an entire nation propped up by endless debt. I see civil liberties constantly reduced on a near daily basis. I see a President who fancies himself a dictator and openly states that capitalism has never worked in the US. I see a welfare/warfare state that has bankrupted the nation. I see statism in full control of almost the entire political debate. I see that collectivism has triumphed over individualism and freedom.

    Forgive me if I don't wave an American flag walking down the street.
  20. [quote name='"Americandutchyz"']

    Well, I hope every peaceful method possible is tried before something violent takes place.. If that does go down it'll make the revolutionary war and the civil war put together look like fucking disneyland.

    I'll be in the Marine Corps next winter, but I think the National Guard would be used in the event the govt. uses the military to deal with unrest. If I am used to deal with any unrest and am ordered to shoot at US citizens.. I will refuse and gladly get a court martial.[/quote]

    Ofcoarse, I do not want needless loss of life. However, I feel that people won't start to turn against the govt until it is too late. I would also hope that many of our service men/women will refuse to fire upon their own countrymen, such as yourself.

    As much as I don't like it, it seems that violence sends a bigger message than words ever will.

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