I'm looking to make money... online.

Discussion in 'General' started by tea.mochi, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. Haha gotta love your enthusiasm :smoke:
  2. only way i can think of is.....................................................................porn:D
  3. You could always get into drop shipping on ebay. It removes the having to go to the post office all the time and you still make money.


    arnack how much porn spam is on ur site?

    and much more
  4. Ever heard of Second Life? Some call it a game, but it's not really. The best way I can describe it is like The Sims, except that the users are completely responsible for creating the content. It's a huge online virtual world with a virtual currency... the cool part is that the money in the game (Lindens) can be converted into real money (Dollars, Euros, etc) and transfered to your real bank account. I think it's something like 260 Lindens for every dollar. You make money in the game by creating and selling things.... objects, skins, avatars, buildings, etc. I've heard that some people have actually made hundreds of thousands of dollars by doing nothing else. Oh, and it's free to sign up.

  5. WOW LOL! I did not notice that! Haven't been on there for a while.
    That is funny. xD
  6. I didn't read througha ll the posts so sorry if this has already been said, but what about working on a skill first (better than going to make money online without a skill huh? ) such as a basic understanding of electronics, then buy broken stuff on ebay, repair, and sell!

    I am seriously considering this option right now as I am 18 and in the same boat as you : )

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