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I'm back

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Bud Head, Aug 12, 2002.

  1. I'll find out whose been naughty or nice. Then i'll have to see who gets you know what from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ALL HAIL BUDHEAD! or else
  3. he was away?
  4. i knew it wasn't just me wondering why he was being awful quiet around here...

    *praising the budhead*
    *bowing in prayer*

    welcome back, oh master :D
  5. *pees on bud heads leg*.......*runs away*........*gets shot in leg*......*screams*......*gets shot again*......*screams more*.....*cries*......*gets shot some more*......*pees and poops involuntarily*.....*moans*.....*gets shot some more*....*lies there*.....*gets shot some more*.....*lies there some more*...*gets shot some more*.....*lies there a lot more*......................................*gets eye poked with stick*...*nerves twitch*...*gets shot some more*............................................

    i dont think ill pee on bud heads leg...
  6. Took the kids on a small vacation to the Great Smokie Moutains of Tennessee. We all had a good time. The boys enjoyed the White Water trip the best! Nothing like going down the river on a rubber raft with rocks, drop offs and being thrown out of the boat on the rough waters!

    Went into Amanita's part of the world the big NC. I looked for her but never found her or RMJL. That was the sad part. Maybe next time!!

    We had a blast. Now I have to get back to work tommorrow! What a bitch!lol

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